Hi Brent, Thank you.
The Hello World was really good! I learned a lot there, I got it – Checked!
The Cartesian coordinate system I got it I understood that, good! – Checked!
The problem was with the parents, and children, and siblings and all the family…
I did not really get the “myGroup” thing this is the code
local stars = display.newGroup()
local redStar1 = display.newImage( stars, “redstar.png” )
local redStar2 = display.newImage( stars, “greenstar.png” )
local redStar3 = display.newImage( stars, “redstar.png” )
local greenstar = display.newImage ( stars, “greenstar.png”)
local whiteStar1 = display.newImage( stars, “whitestar.png” )
local whiteStar2 = display.newImage( stars, “whitestar.png” )
–insert only the red stars into a table
local redStars = { redStar1, redStar2, redStar3 }
for i = 2, #redStars do
--manipulate the star at the current index (i)
redStars[i].x = redStars[i].x + 100
redStars[i]:scale( 0.4, 0.9 )
I just see images in the simulator, but I don’t really understand what to do with them!
And I still can not have sound on the app. Even though you said it was so simple, I still don’t have sound in the app
I know it may look like imposible to believe, but it’s true, please help me out with that.
I’m going to buy a book that you said, but I really need help with the sound