How to achieve app content sharing to WeChat friends circle?

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What is WeChat? 

You say they have an API. Can you provide a URL where community members could see what they offer?

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Well, WeChat is a social software like Facebook or Sina blogs, line and so on. Open a web page like Google with Safari browsers, then click on the bottom of the safari browser, and select the corresponding social software to share the content of the web page, the corona can browse the web page, and how to be like safari. The browser shares the content to other social app. I read API only to see Facebook share. If it’s other social software, what should I do?

Sharing process

Sharing process

For iOS apps, there is a plugin called the “Activity” plugin that shows the dialog box when you tap the sendTo button. If the user has WeChat installed, it will show in the dialog automatically.  See:


I saw the one you said, and then I saw the following support. I want to ask, in addition to these listed shares, I want to share with other social apps, such as the WeChat mentioned above, QQ, etc. Is a third-party share access URL of WeChat:
The following picture is his example. Can Corona share WeChat?

Apps that accept input from the Activity popup automatically register themselves with the dialog. There isn’t anything from the Corona side that you need to do (or can do). In fact I did a test. I installed WeChat and it works. However you have to do some setup on your iDevice.  First, I setup a simple button/tap handler in my Corona built app:

Then tap the button and the activity dialog shows:

Then scroll to the right and hit the “More” button

Scroll down until you find WeChat and turn it on

Press done and WeChat has been added to your iOS Activity dialog.  At this point, nothing is Corona specific.

Then code wise I just copy/pasted the example code for “Combined Items”, changes the name of the image filename. I did get a weird error from WeChat if I just tried to send a string. But some combination of Image and URL has to be sent with it, but I didn’t dig in to find out specifically which one.


Thank you for your answer. I feel that I am further away from what I want. Can you tell me where “Combined Items” is, or give me your demo? I will try it out with the information I have now. Thank you very much for what you are doing.

I took the code from the documentation:


Thank you, you are my god, I am using this project to use the verification code identification. The method I am currently using is to send the verification code to the third party service identification and return it to me. It takes 1 cent / once, demand Not small, the cost is a bit high, I would like to ask if there can be plug-ins or functions can save me part of the cost, the verification code looks like the following:

I’m not sure I’m following what you’re doing with verification codes. Corona doesn’t have anything in this area. You might want to look at either the GameSparks or PlayFab plugins to see if they support such things. 

Can you explain what you do doing, what service you’re trying to use? Maybe some community developers will have some ideas.


Ok, there is a client who takes a website to ask me to make an app based on the content of the website, but the person who wrote the website has no contact with him, which means that the background interface cannot be provided to me, I will simulate the operation from the front desk, and the website user logs in. In addition to the account password, I need a verification code, and then I went to the above. I sent the verification code image to a third party for identification and returned it to me. Now I think, is there a plugin or a way for me to identify it locally? This verification code is issued, thereby saving the cost of the customer.

Web forms usually conform to the standard HTTP POST Multi-part MIME standards. That is, you can look at the web page’s (where the form exists) source code, determine what web script they are calling when the form is submitted, get the various field names and rules and construct a similar form using native.newTextField, widgets, etc. and use network.request() to call the server-side script when you’re ready to submit the form. You can also figure out what they are doing to get the CAPTCHA/verification code and probably get the code by using or display.loadRemoteImage().
