How to activate "Optimized for iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus"

What is the status of this?

Do we still have to do this manually?

Will Corona ever make this automatic?

Add a feature request at and get it voted up.

This is something that will take a lot of work for minimal gain and something that has a reasonable work around. It won’t be high on the todo list, but if enough people vote it up, who knows.


Is there a official document for the needed steps to get all content (gamecenter etc.) scaled correct on iPhone 6+?

I couldn’t find anything.


There shouldn’t be anything special with regards to getting GameCenter, etc. scaled correctly.


Sorry, my english isn’t the best. 

You mean, that we have just to provide the launch screen images, and no nib file, to get the splash screen and everything correct scaled on all devices?

What did you mean with the “reasonable workaround”?

I tried to get the information from the above posts, but I didn’t got it.