Also I am not able to control the height and the width of the Picker wheel… is there a way to do it ?
Also I am not able to control the height and the width of the Picker wheel… is there a way to do it ?
technically the pickerWheel is a special mode tableView. It might be possible to simulate a comboBox in some cases with a tableView and get better results as the tableView has more controls over visuals etc. Just a thought.
Also checkout Atanas’s newEditField widget. It has a special mode where it bonds with a pickerWheel and hence providing the comboBox feel with the display for chosen item built right into it. Just a thought.
You can not change width or height on the picker wheel unfortunately.
I can’t really give you the code for this as there would be quite a lot of it due the need to setup the picker wheel you can check how in the docs
The logic of what I meant was this:
- put text (with optional image background and arrow indicating possible selection popup) on screen for the first and second combo.
- when the user presses the first text popup the picker wheel in an overly scene or just draw it over the current scene but make sure you block touches to the objects in the back.
- when user chooses the value in the first picker you remember it and remove the picker wheel and update the text (if needed) in the second one.
- when the user presses the second one you popup a picker wheel with possible values based on what was selected in the first one.
When you have some code together and get the picker wheel working if you still have a problem post it here and I’ll look at it.
where i can find the docs about the usage of newEditField widget?
hi primoz,
i am working to try your logic. i am almost there … i will post once done. thanks for the explanation,
We are working on a site to host the newEditField and other widget related goodies from Atanas. It is still in development so not formally announced yet. You can find this site at and register for free access to the docs and sample apps. Also checkout the blog section where Atanas and I documented some aspects of the widget and using them through bypassing the versions that are baked into core Corona SDK. Please feel free to leave feedback.
Thanks ksan for the info , i am trying it and see how to use it
pm me with your email address so we can get you the sample app. Hopefully reviewing the sample will help you overcome this initial challenge.
Hi All,
I get this working to some extend (not perfect ) and I would like to share with you. Maybe someone needs something to start with :
local storyboard = require “storyboard”
local options =
effect = “slideLeft”,
time = 800,
storyboard.gotoScene( “list”, options )
local widget = require( “widget” )
local storyboard = require( “storyboard” )
–require (“widgetLibrary.widgetext”)
–require (“widgets.storyboardext”)
display.setDefault( “anchorX”, 0.5 )
display.setDefault( “anchorY”, 0 )
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
local pickerRegions
local pickerSchools
local schoolsTable
local columnData2
local ShowRegion
local showSchool
local clickBtn
local RegionImg
local SchoolImg
local whichTextFeild
local currentTbl
local regionsIsBlank = true
function ShowRegion(event)
pickerRegions.isVisible = true
pickerSchools.isVisible = false
whichTextFeild = “Region”
function UpdateSchool()
pickerSchools= nil
columnData2 =
align = “center”,
startIndex = 3,
labels =currentTbl
pickerSchools = widget.newPickerWheel
top = 140,
left = 0,
columns = columnData2
pickerSchools.isVisible = false
function showSchool(event)
if (regionsIsBlank==true) then
native.showAlert ( “Note”, “Please select a region first !” )
pickerRegions.isVisible = false
pickerSchools.isVisible = true
whichTextFeild = “School”
print("selectedRegion.text in showSchool = " , selectedRegion.text)
print("_G.Reg in showSchool = ", _G.Reg)
local function handleButtonEvent( event )
if ( _G.Reg == nil ) and (pickerRegions.isVisible ==false) then
native.showAlert ( “Note”, “Please select a region first !” )
print("whichTextFeild in handlebuttonEvent = " …whichTextFeild)
--pickerRegions.isVisible = true
if (pickerRegions.isVisible) then
local values = pickerRegions:getValues()
_G.Reg = values[1].value
selectedRegion.text = _G.Reg
currentTbl = schoolsTable[_G.Reg]
selectedSchool.text = “”
pickerRegions.isVisible = false
local values = pickerSchools:getValues()
_G.School= values[1].value
selectedSchool.text = _G.School
print(" iam in else")
pickerSchools.isVisible = false
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view
local editGroup = display.newGroup()
print(“i am in create scene : list”)
– Create the widget
local bg = display.newRect( group, 0, 0, 380, 560)
bg.anchorX =0
bg.anchorY =0
bg:setFillColor(0.5,0.5, 0.5)
local labelRegion = display.newText( "Region ", 40,55 , native.systemFont, 18 )
selectedRegion =native.newTextField( 160, 80, 300, 40 )
--selectedRegion = display.newText( “”, 220,200 , native.systemFont, 18 )
local labelSchool = display.newText( "School ", 40, 120, native.systemFont, 18 )
selectedSchool= native.newTextField( 160, 145, 300, 40 )
local columnData =
– regions
align = “right”,
width = 150,
startIndex = 3,
labels = {“Muscat”,“AlBatenah”,“Musandam”,“AlDakhlia”,“AlDhahera”},
– Create the widget
pickerRegions = widget.newPickerWheel
top = 140,
left= 0,
columns = columnData
pickerRegions.isVisible = false
local button1 = widget.newButton
top= 190,
width = 173,
height = 39,
defaultFile = “default.png”,
overFile = “over.png”,
--label = “button”,
onPress = handleButtonEvent
– Change the button’s label text
--button1:setLabel( “2-Image” )
– CREATE display objects and add them to ‘group’ here.
– Example use-case: Restore ‘group’ from previously saved state.
schoolsTable= {
Muscat = {“AlFatooq”,“AlHawari”,“Muscat1”,“Omani2”},
AlBatenah = {“B1”,“B2”,“B3”,“B3”},
Musandam = {“M1”,“M2”,“M3”,“M3”},
AlDakhlia = {“K1”,“K2”,“K3”,“K3”},
AlDhahera = {“D1”,“D2”,“D3”,“D3”}
currentTbl = schoolsTable[_G.Reg]
columnData2 =
align = “center”,
startIndex = 3,
labels =currentTbl
pickerSchools = widget.newPickerWheel
top = 140,
left = 0,
columns = columnData2
pickerSchools.isVisible = false
– group:insert(RegionImg)
function scene:enterScene( event )
local group = self.view
--clickBtn:addEventListener ( “tap”, ShowPicker )
print(“i am in enter scene : list”)
--RegionImg:addEventListener ( “tap”, ShowRegion )
--SchoolImg:addEventListener ( “tap”, showSchool )
selectedRegion:addEventListener ( “userInput”, ShowRegion )
selectedSchool:addEventListener ( “userInput”, showSchool )
– INSERT code here (e.g. start timers, load audio, start listeners, etc.)
function scene:exitScene( event )
local group = self.view
print(“i am in exit scene : list”)
– INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listeners, unload sounds, etc.)
function scene:destroyScene( event )
local group = self.view
– INSERT code here (e.g. remove listeners, widgets, save state, etc.)
scene:addEventListener( “createScene”, scene )
scene:addEventListener( “enterScene”, scene )
scene:addEventListener( “exitScene”, scene )
scene:addEventListener( “destroyScene”, scene )
return scene
only you need images for the button and you will be ready to go… Also I am testing the neweditfield and if i get something useful, i will share with you.
Thanks All for the support.