How to modify build.settings

I have to add to build.settings the following line


But I don’t know if I did well:

-- Android section
android =
	googlePlayGamesAppId = "874231189156",
	usesPermissions =


	applicationChildElements =
			<meta-data android:name="" android:value="ca-app-pub-7458926770415601~7831222224"/>
    <android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" />

Besides I used a buid.settings I found in a tutorial, so I don’t understand if I need the lines:



googlePlayGamesAppId = "874231189156"

That should go in your AndroidResources/res/xml/network_security_config.xml file

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@colinmorgan thanks. I thought that the build.settings will create the xml!
Should I include the “https://” to the domain name?

If you’re going to use https:// instead of http://, then you don’t need to have a clearText carve out in your network_security_config.xml. (In fact, you probably don’t need a network_security_config.xml file at all.)

If you are asking about the syntax inside of cleartextTrafficPermitted="true", I recommend formatting it just like the example.

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@colinmorgan Thanks. Everything is ok, now.


How did you manage to set that cleartext parameter ?
I tried different methods without success


@rodymary this is my network_security_config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true"> 
<domain includeSubdomains="true">https://domain.xx/</domain> 

It works for me.

I decided to try just switching all my http:// calls to https:// to see if I could save myself the hassle of setting up and keeping track of network_security_config.xml files, and everything worked fine, so I never actually ended up implementing cleartextTrafficPermitted.

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@colinmorgan Your right. I left it only because of laziness!

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Thanks Saleh & colinmorgan, but you’re using httpS, not me …

I tryed everything without success (Android 10 inside).

Could someone show me how to set up build.settings and network_security_config.xml ,
I’m trying to locally access that url :

Thanks for your help

Finally I found out how to access not secured local ressources (HTTP instead of HTTPS) on Android > 8
The difficulty for me was to find where I had to create the network_security_config.xml file, it must be in the …myProject\AndroidResources\res\xml folder
With that simple content :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />

And that’s it. Hope that can help someone else