I’ll be going live with a build done using 3582 tomorrow, so I should know in about 48 hours if I get a sudden drop in installs or revenue. (Or a spike in support emails.) I’ll report back one way or the other.
I’ll be going live with a build done using 3582 tomorrow, so I should know in about 48 hours if I get a sudden drop in installs or revenue. (Or a spike in support emails.) I’ll report back one way or the other.
Do you use Admob plugins though? When I had built the 64-bit Corona SDK with the Admob plugin, and then ran it on my device I would get an error at startup. This was a few months ago though. Admob might still only work with 32-bit SDK.
I’ve uploaded 2 games now onto Amazon using 3577 without changing anything in build.settings. But I do not use admob.
To the best of my knowledge, you can’t use AdMob with Amazon: AdMob requires Google Play Store access.
I use AdMob with iOS and “regular” Android devices, but on Amazon builds I don’t load the plugin and I exclude AdMob from the waterfall on those devices.
? I’ve been using the Admob plugin on Amazon for the past several years, and am still generating revenue. They have been built using the 32-bit SDK builds however.
Since my update using build 3582 on Friday, everything seems fine.
Downloads, IAP and ad revenue are all as expected. According to my analytics, uptake of the new version is already 75%, so if there were a serious problem, I’d have heard about it by now.
Sorry I can’t provide any insight into AdMob for Amazon.
@sbullock, several times in your post you refer to a person’s name (i.e. Vlad or Rob). FYI, in the future, you might want to use their tag (i.e. @sbullock for you) so that they will be notified. Otherwise, they will never see your posts unless they happen to be reading through, which is less likely to occur now that Vlad is migrating to Solar2D while Rob is no longer employed by Corona.
Build servers would work for several months. I hope new build system would work on Amazon to that time.
Hi @vlads, thanks for your work so far, we all really appreciate it. Do you mean that 64-bit Solar2D support for Amazon apps is being planned?
I recently updated my Mac OS to Catalina, which to my dismay no longer allows 32-bit apps to be installed or 32-bit Corona SDK apps to be built. I have to build them on an older Mac that has 32-bit support. Currently I am using build 2019.3480 for my Amazon apps.