Implementing UI based on iOS 7+ / Google Material (?)

[0.1.84] - 2017-03-17


  • setSelectorList() method added to set the named drop-down selector with the contents of a list. This makes it easier to dynamically change the list after declaration.  See commented out example in fun.lua.

  • setSelectorValue() method added to set the named drop-down selector’s current text and value content.

Both methods above are listed in the documentation too.  See documentation for it here.


  • Fixed newTextBox() contents overflowing out of defined area. The text is now in a container and the text is always aligned to the top (shows first line of content on down).

  • Made it so Windows simulator uses the utf8 assist for the codepoint of the material font. Be sure the “MaterialIcons-Regular.otf” and MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf are in your project root.  This showed the correct drop down arrow and not the ‘text code’ for the drop down. 

[0.1.86] - 2017-03-18


  • newTextBox() improved editing experience on mobile
  • newTextBox() options for “doneButton” and for the overlay.  Due to mobile devices not having an easy way to edit text boxes an overlay w/ “done” button (on right of textbox) has been added.  The overlay and button is “not” used on non-mobile devices.  Please see documentation and fun.lua for a complete example.  This makes editing in a textbox easier on mobile.


I would like see if if you are willing to add a few things to the newSlidePanel ( 1 add the ability images directly on the slide panel so someone could add a logo, 2 add image on the title bar as an under layer to give pop to the app).

What are the chances of that happening.

Sure, that can be added.  Let me look into it and see about getting it in there.  I did a partial implementation of it.  Oh, I never showed that part as it was a prototype.  But yes, images are possible.

Hy! Is there a date for a new release or is it finished? It’s just to understard if I can use this tool like the last stable version. Thanks again for all that work

Feel free to use the lastest version. It’s stable.  Some internals are being worked on as improvements.   Work is progressing on adding more controls and extending some of the current ones.

It may become a plugin in the near future as well (free plugin) while keeping the GitHub in place.

Why, why, why…

Why I didn’t see this thread before wasting 50 bucks in an abandoned, outdated ui package like Widget Candy?

Paul, thanks lot for all your hard work on this one. Looking forward to taking a look at your layout framework.

Is there a way to disable widgets? that is, making them unresponsive and with a visual clue of its state (probably increasing its transparency?)

Yep, I can add a visual clue of disabled widgets.  It will allow the developer to use the default settings or specify their own.  Support for extended sprite sheets, SVG (using the free plugin on marketplace) and additional controls are underway.

Widget Candy is awesome and don’t feel bad, I spent $50 myself on it to realize it wasn’t supported anymore.  That’s part of what drove me to creating the new library with a focus on the business App side.  Of course with sprite sheets and SVG support it will move into both business and gaming.

The layout engine is kinda working like “div” tags and minor “css” you find in HTML5.  That approach is in my head due to being a web developer by day.

Changes: [0.1.49] - 2017-01-06

  • Added “useTimeOut” parameter to newToast(…) method.  useTimeOut is boolean.  This is used to automatically timeout and close the toast notification. It defaults to “true” and if no “timeOut” in microseconds is specified it defaults to 2000 or 2 seconds.
  • Added “timeOut” parameter to newToast(…) method.  timeOut is in microseconds.  This is used to automatically timeout and close the toast notification.

…and more changes on the way.

Online documentation:

GitHub resource:

[0.1.50] - 2017-01-08


  • Method “newSnackBar” for creating snack bar and action button text. These flow up from the bottom. Like “Removed Msgs UNDO” and it times out after 3 seconds. Use “timeOut” to specify timeout in microseconds.
  • See picture below for example.  The dark button near bottom with “UNDO” in name.


  • Fixed all “parent” group/scene paramater for all controls. The demo is updated using a parent for all buttons. Click “coffee cup” to see all the controls slide up (snack bar).
  • Fixed case issue in build.settings for “CoronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardApp” (iOS)


@doubledashdesign I am working on your request.  

[0.1.51] - 2017-01-09


  • ‘headerImage’ parameter to newSlidePanel() method.  It will fit the image to the menu header dimensions.

See header image for title bar area below…


[0.1.52 and 0.1.53] - 2017-01-09


  • ‘iconImage’ parameter to “newSlidePanel(…)” method. It will fit the image to the font size dimensions. This is so it will look correct. See demo and “list {}” for an example.
  • ‘iconImage’ parameter to "newToolbar(…)" method. It will fit the image to the font size dimensions. This is so it will look correct. See demo and “list {}” for an example.

See example of Menu using new Icon Images:


[0.1.55] - 2017-01-11



  • ‘iconColor’ parameter to newToolbar(…) list {} options. Specify color in on state per icon.
  • ‘iconColorOff’ parameter to newToolbar(…) list {} options. Specify color in off state per icon.
  • ‘iconColor’ parameter to newSlidePanel(…) list {} options. Specify color in on state per icon.
  • ‘iconColorOff’ parameter to newSlidePanel(…) list {} options. Specify color in off state per icon.


  • Color bugs in newSlidePanel(…) and newToolbar(…) methods.

See a mix of icon images, icon symbols with multi-colors and basic colors.  The multi-colors are “Location Information” and the first “To-do” in the newSlidePanel(…) example shown here:



Can you please give me an example on how to hide the newSlidePanel by pressing a menu item.

Ans also how to keep that item selected (with gray color).

Thanks in advance.

@TheGiant, will do and I just added individual ‘callBacks’ per menu item.  This way you can either use a single callBack or per menu item callBack if desired.   I will get these additions in place and update the repo and report back here.

[0.1.59] - 2017-01-19


  • ‘closeSlidePanel()’ method to close a newSlidePanel() widget by name.  This is now the default action if used the built-in callBack.  You may call this in your own callBacks.  This will close and release the menu from memory.

Example: mui.closeSlidePanel(“slidepanel-demo”)

  • ‘callBack’ parameter added to each menu item.  If used this callBack will be called instead of the parent callBack for the entire newSlidePanel() widget.
  • ‘callBackData’ parameter added to each menu item. if used the data will be passed to the callBack being used.
  • Documentation updated to match and demo updated to use these.

@TheGiant and I will be addressing your requests too.

[0.1.60] - 2017-01-19


  • ‘hideSlidePanel()’ method to hide a newSlidePanel() widget by name. This can be used in your callBacks. This keeps the slide panel in memory and hides it.
  • ‘showSlidePanel()’ method to show a newSlidePanel() widget by name. This can be used in your callBacks. This uses the slide panel in memory and shows it.

See menu.lua for example.

@TheGiant.  I will look into the other request to keep the menu item selected.


Thank you very much!

Perfect implementation. :slight_smile: