[0.1.84] - 2017-03-17
setSelectorList() method added to set the named drop-down selector with the contents of a list. This makes it easier to dynamically change the list after declaration. See commented out example in fun.lua.
setSelectorValue() method added to set the named drop-down selector’s current text and value content.
Both methods above are listed in the documentation too. See documentation for it here.
Fixed newTextBox() contents overflowing out of defined area. The text is now in a container and the text is always aligned to the top (shows first line of content on down).
Made it so Windows simulator uses the utf8 assist for the codepoint of the material font. Be sure the “MaterialIcons-Regular.otf” and MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf are in your project root. This showed the correct drop down arrow and not the ‘text code’ for the drop down.