Oh, how do I get iOS 11 Beta as an option for my SDK? I’m on 3135 with the XCode 9 GM seed downloaded, but I still only see 10.3 as an option.
Are you using the Xcode 9? What happens if you run:
from the terminal?
I installed Xcode 9 over top of my Xcode 8.
Just copied XCode 9 over 8 and now I get 10.3 (UNSUPPORTED: Local iOS SDK is 11.0 which does not match).
xcode-select just returns a list of options. Which option should I do?
-v says version 2347, -p says /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Hmm, do you still have XCode 9 beta or the recently released GM seed? I’m wondering if you’re building again a beta iOS 11 and I have a final iOS 11 that the Corona servers can’t support yet?
Are you running Corona 3135, the latest public release?
Xcode 9 GM has the iOS 11 GM files that it needs. Since you’re testing against the Xcode Simulator’s iPhone X device, that’s all contained in Xcode. You should see something like:
Yes, using 3135. Using Xcode 9 GM too. This is what I see when I try to build:
Have you actually run Xcode? It installs extra files after you install it and run it the first time.
Yep, very odd.
So if you have Xcode 9 GM why is your option the iOS 11 BETA? Shouldnt it be final, not beta? Do you have a Xcode 9 beta installed?
Because the iOS 11 we have installed on the build server is iOS 11 Beta…
Are you using the actual public build or are you using 3135 as downloaded from the daily build page? There shouldn’t be a difference.
Public build, it’s 3135. The fact that you see iOS 11 Beta as an option to me means you have an XCode beta still installed. The XCode GM should not be beta, and I’m wondering if that’s my problem. I have final iOS 11 SDK but your server is still on beta?
Try getting the 3135 daily build. We don’t include beta’s in public releases. I must be running the daily build version…
3135 daily release and public build are exact same link and binary, BUT 3134 shows 11.0 beta for me and building with that works great! All the displays issues resolved.
Thanks for all the help Rob, really appreciate walking through this with me. Now I get to work on simple layout stuff. Phew!