Is there a way to guarantee text size on all devices?

Deciding on the scaling method should really be one of the first things you do when starting out developing a game on Corona. Changing it later on in the project may take a lot of work.

One thing you could do is use bitmap fonts, but I’m not really sure if you can position them accurately with zoomStretch if the scaling distorts the diamond frame. There’s probably some formula to figure out for offsetting images based on the amount of distortion, but I don’t use that particular mode and I don’t want to figure it out :stuck_out_tongue:

zoomStretch is probably our most evil option. zoomStetch warps your screen items. You won’t have any circles, they will all be ovals. Since text is created after the fact, It’s probably still based on one pixel dimension and isn’t considering the stretching. Note the numbers are not changed with regards to their shape.

Letterbox takes more work, no doubt, but it’s the right way. This blog will help you understand the work needed to go letter box. Filling the space isn’t difficult.


@XeduR & @Rob

Thanks. That was useful.