Just installed 1.9 and can't open projects

Hello Cosmic,

Thanks for the logs. I think we have fixed the issue, will let you know when there is an update available. The problem was that the database engine for some reason could not write to the user directory. Perhaps due to some permissions problem? In any case we are turning it off by default in the next update and we suggest to enable it only if an out of memory error occurs (maybe after 1000+ lua files scanned.)


M.Y. Developers

Thanks… I look forward to the update.  V1.9 was really, really great for the couple of hours I got to use it!


For a temporary measure you can delete the scanner database via help->user directory-> delete scanner database folder.


M.Y. Developers

Thanks for the tip… I am using v1.9 with a deleted scanner database.  What is the consequence of that?


Please get the update via help->check for updates. 1.9.08 will fix this issue.

 I am using v1.9 with a deleted scanner database. What is the consequence of that?

It will just clear the autocomplete database. There is no consequence as it will be recreated when Glider starts up again. We ended up optimizing the storage mechanism so much for the database that now the entire database can easily fit into memory. The only caveat for this is you might run out of memory for huge projects (1000+ files) and for those cases you need to re-enable the disk-based database. But for 99.9% of cases a fully RAM based storage is just fine and is much faster too.


M.Y. Developers