I tested it and AdMob and Kidoz did not cause any issues when used together.
Keep in mind that init() should not be done within a scene.
I tested it and AdMob and Kidoz did not cause any issues when used together.
Keep in mind that init() should not be done within a scene.
Thank you for all the info and for testing it. I will look into this asap. Probably I’m doing the init() wrong then.
I’m using this to do the init in main.lua after requiring both plugins and defining the listeners:
if \_G.adson==true then admob.init( admobListener, { appId="XXXXXXXX",testMode=true} ) performWithDelay(1,function() kidoz.init( kidozAdListener, { publisherID="23456", securityToken="XYXYXYXYX" } ) end,1) kidoz.load( "interstitial" ) kidoz.load( "panelView", { adPosition = "top", handlePosition = "center" } ) end
I also tested this without the time delay of 1 and it was the same result.
I also removed the kidoz.load(s) with the same result.
Somehow the next scene called from main.lua is not opened when using this.
In most of our monetization plugins, you must wait for the “init” event phase before calling any other API functions.
I’ll make sure this is clarified in the Kidoz documentation.
You don’t need a performWithDelay(). You should move the kidoz.load() statements to your Kidoz ad listener and call them when the “init” event triggers.
One question: How can I handle the case if there is no “init” event? Can this happen for example if there is no active internet connection? Do I then have to try to init() again after a while?
The ‘init’ event will always fire for Kidoz, so you don’t need to call init() again.
However if there is no Internet connection you will need to call load() again when the connection becomes available.
would it be “enough” then to check like this:
if kidoz.isLoaded ("interstitial") then kidoz.show ("interstitial") else kidoz.load ("interstitial") end
In this case it could be sometimes that a interstitial ad is loaded, but didn’t finish loading, so the load is called a second time. Will the load then start again complete new or the first load just continued?
That looks good
I just encountered one more problem showing KIDOZ interstitial ads (or rewardedVideos)…
sometimes the full screen ad is not starting a video and just showing a grey screen with a little video icon in the center. Clicking on this screen brings me to the ads game download page. But when returning back to the game the grey screen stays there, no video is shown and I can not get out of this screen.
Is this a known issue and how can I solve this?
Which Android device (including Android version) are you testing on?
It’s a Samsung Galaxy SM-T110 with Android-Version 4.2.2
Unfortunately I have no Galaxy Tab to test with, however I’ve tested ads successfully on Nexus 7 and Nexus 9 devices without any issues. I suggest that you contact Kidoz directly and report this problem.
You can contact them by sending an email to support@kidoz.net.
Mention that you are using Corona, and specify the issues you are facing and which device you see it on.
You can also mention that you’ve been in contact with me about the issue and that I recommended you to contact them directly.
Thx for the info!