King has now trademarked the word 'Candy'

On the other hand GG - might be a way to get some free exposure :slight_smile: Got a few contacts at Eurogamer/Videogamer etc… that would probably ran a story if King did come after you…

The only problem is that you don’t get any warning. For Google Play, the first you know about it is when your game has been suspended from the store and that’s the end of it. You don’t get cautioned or given notice, you just get wiped and all the hard work of building a following for that game is wiped out too. An email just arrives saying Google has been given notice of alleged copyright infringement, your game has been removed and you should take it up directly with the mark owner.

Plus, there’s a system whereby if you get too many games suspended you get permanently banned from Google Play, whether it’s your fault or not (and get banned from setting up new accounts in future as well).

A dangerous route to take.

As great as free exposure is, we really don’t want to get banned from the app stores :slight_smile: