OK, not sure what to do here, and I don’t think I’m a dummy, but I am going round in circles!
I am using Intellij IDEA. I have added the LUA plugin via the Settings/Plugins page and all seems OK with that.
I am having problems trying to get the Corona SDK support added.
I went to https://bitbucket.org/sylvanaar2/idlua-sdk-corona/wiki/Home and downloaded sylvanaar2-idlua-sdk-corona-55c93a453c65.zip. This contains the files corona_api.lua, corona_api.doclua, api-reference.html and .gh_archival.txt.
I also went to https://bitbucket.org/sylvanaar2/lua-for-idea/wiki/Corona%20API%20Support and downloaded corona_api.zip which contains the files corona_api.lua and corona_api.properties.
Neither seems to work correctly with Intellij IDEA.
Comparing corona_api.lua from the first link to the second, the first is missing a lot of stuff (io, math, os, string, table etc.) Also, for example, the second file has only two physics.xxx entries, whereas the first file has twelve.
So, to summarize, I am confused!
I want to create Corona specific Lua files using Intellij IDEA, so which file should I download to give me that functionality.
The corona_api.lua from the first link doesn’t appear to have any of the Corona [import]uid: 19540 topic_id: 2200 reply_id: 82490[/import]