native.showPopup (Social) not working on Android 6 ( Marshmallow )

Hi Rob, 

I am reporting a bug with the zip file but I just want to say that I figured out what is going on. On my app, I use to save a screenshot of a group object so the user can share that image later. The problem is that with the latest Android update, my app can’t share any image that is located in a directory other than the resources directory. So if I save a screenshot in documents, cache or temporary directory, my app crashes the app used to share, for example, crashes gmail if I try to send that image by email. Sending bug report now. Thanks

Please post the Bug ID # back here (it was in the email that confirmed your submission).


Bug ID #43267


Hi everyone,

This issue has been fixed. The fix is actually in the Corona core, not the social plugin. This issue was actually a specific case of a more general issue related to sharing data between apps.

Anyway, the fix is available in build 2756.

Thanks Ajay!