Need recommendation on Text/Code editor or IDE

Thanks everyone, isn’t sublime Corona Editor? right?

I use LuaGlider for a long time and really like it. Their Debug tool is great, specially the Ultimote where I can test the sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope,…)

@enzo93718, yes. Corona Editor is the corona plugin for sublime.

I use ZeroBrane Studio from

I tried in order:

  1. Textedit (basic)

  2. Text Wrangler ( ).

  3. BB Edit ( - I paid for it but it lacks debug options.

  4. Lua Glider 1.9 ( - Nice but text update is slow on my mac, great debug options but it it a memory hog.  Lua hGlider has some nice plugins like

  5. Lua Glider 2 Trial ( - Seems slower than 1.9 :frowning:

  6. ZeroBrane ( - Great product but lacks the customisation and themes, scrolling is slow.

  7. Sublime 3 Beta with Corona Plugin ( - I disliked Sublime originally but now with the corona plugin it is working out for me.  I an still in non paid mode (they need a pay via iTunes options.  Don’t forget to install a theme from (I use the hyrule theme). 

Thank you so much for the info everyone. I have seen or read all those IDE above. I am trying out Outlaw at the moment. I just notice it will crash time to time. I might try something else.

I wonder which IDE has the feature of comparing files side by side. For example, if I have 2 .lua files from different projects, and I wanted to compare them side by side.

Thank you.

sublime can

I use notepad++ if I am doing only 1 or 2 lua files.  I love notepad++. 

For doing global updates I use UltraEdit Pro because I can click on all the
files and open them all at the same time.  It also support multi-line search
and replace on all open files.  But that can be dangerous and you should
have backups before doing that.

I will check out subline too…


I wonder how long the trial is. I am still playing around with outlaw, but crashing pretty often and it’s annoying me.

the trial doesnt end they just display a nag screen every so often

I use Sublime Text, it’s perfect for what I need.

I recommend Codelobster editor