Path traversal security vulnerability on Google Play

Welcome! Thank you for using Corona.

Again. My APK hacking is just, exclusively so you can re-submit your existing apps you absolutely 100% can not update. So you may download APK, hack it and resubmit. This is not for building APK with older build and submitting it again.

Hi, I have compiled my apk with version 2017.3135 and two days ago I upload the new apk in the console of Google Play and continues to report that the vulnerability problem persists.

What can happen?

We should have this addressed in daily build 3145 or later.


We have been able to update our apps successfully, but we have quite a few to update.

Does this appear to be a mandatory thing that google wants updated by a specific date? 

From what we gathered in the email, it seems like it’s not mandatory, but if we were to push any updates after January (or whatever date was mentioned), that we would have to fix the issue. 

Hi @Rob,

I have updated my apps with the 3156 but I can still see the warning. Any suggestion about? How could I solve it?

Thanks a mil



Apparently the issue not fixed in the Enterprise version yet (latest build is 3086):

Can you please update the Enterprise version as well ? We have a lot of apps built with Enterprise version and we need to fix the Google Play issue.


There isn’t an “Enterprise” any longer. It’s now called “Native builds”.  It’s in the same download as the Corona DMG file. Install Corona like you would the simulator, go to /Applications/Corona-nnnn (where nnnn is the daily build number), and you will find a folder there named “Native”. Run the “Setup Corona Native” if you’re going to use new “App” based projects. Run “Setup Corona Enterprise” so your older Enterprise based App projects will run.  But you will be on a new version of Corona when you do.


Not sure if this is your issue, but I updated two apps and one immediately did not show the warning but the other still did after a day or two. But, then the warning disappeared. So, perhaps there is a delay in how Google is checking this. Might be worth waiting another day or two. 

If you hover over the app in the developer console it will state which version apk has the issue.

I have updated mine, and there is a delay as expected, just takes time for the issue to propagate through.

You could also try releasing it as an alpha or beta build and run the security check there :slight_smile:

It took about 2 days for my test app for issue to go away. Also, if any of your live binaries have the issue, it would show exclamation mark in console.

To check if issue is gone, I recommend going to Release management -> Pre-launch report -> SECURITY.

You may have to activate Pre-launch reports and submit another build to check it out…

I just updated with 3167 and google show me the warnig too!!!

Security alert

Your app is using a content provider with an unsecured openFile implementation. See this article in the Google Help Center for details.

Vulnerable classes:

Fix the problem before this date: 01/15/2018

It affects version 222 of the APK.

I use this plugins:

plugins =


        [“”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,

            supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, [“iphone-sim”]=true },


        [“”] =


            publisherId = “com.vungle”,


        [“plugin.fbAudienceNetwork”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,

            supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, android=true }


        [“”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”


        [“plugin.facebook.v4a”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”


        [“”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,

            supportedPlatforms = { android=true }



        [“”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,

            supportedPlatforms = { android = true }


        [“”] =


            publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,

            supportedPlatforms = { android = true }



To check if issue is gone, I recommend going to Release management -> Pre-launch report -> SECURITY.

THANKS … now it’s ok!!!

Download the last version of corona, rebuild and publish a new version.

This fix for me.

Using Corona-3195.




Same thing happens to me. All my corona apps on Google Play are getting a warning!

yeap, same here. i believe is related to website links we have on the apps. not from plugins. at least on my case i suspect that.

Trying to narrow down whether this is a “generic” issue or in one of the plugins. (like zip)

Also, would adding exported=false to the android table in build.settings get added to the manifest?

Same problem here.  Please help, Corona!

The same for me :frowning:


We are aware of this issue and trying to solve & test it right now. I will post updates.

Thanks vlads, I also have received a warning from Google.
