Planet Invaders

Picked up a copy of the code+enviro bundle. Looking fwd to playing with it [import]uid: 32462 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144370[/import]

Sounds good! I will have a lot of fun with it this week end!

I will also love some pointers on the OO design when you get a chance. Just a 30K feet view, nothing too specific. Like I said , it is a bit overwhelming at this time since I really did not use any OO in my current app. Maybe just a quick overview of the Planets template to see how things are connected to each other. I really want to keep away from the linear way I am doing things right now since it leads to spaghetti/hard to maintain code! But I need a starting push!!! I think your game template is PERFECT for this mental switch!

Thanks again.

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144371[/import]

Congrats on the shop, it’s looking really good! Got some nice libraries up already!
I’m even tempted to get the code bundle despite the fact that i don’t need it all :smiley:

Hope it goes well! [import]uid: 69826 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144394[/import]

@jflowers45 - Awesome! I also sent you the EnViRo stand-alone system. Looking forward to the Scenes people create!

@LairdGames - Will be including some heavier documentation soon, and I’ve begun working on including EnViRo in another very small template game to show another use for it as well as more step-by-step instructions on doing so. :wink:

@TandG - HEY!! You’ve always been so very kind and supportive since day one with Wizards3030vs and even Twitter. \m/ \m/ Your site is becoming indispensable as well with all those tutorials! Hope the studio is going well! [import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144404[/import]

Documentation for EnViRo sent out and included in the package now. :slight_smile: [import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144478[/import]

Wow! Thanks, that looks simple enough. Guess who will have fun this weekend. LOL.

Thanks again. Can’t wait for the sequel about OO! (If you get the chance of course:)

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144501[/import]

FANTASTIC! WOW! I will definetly get a copy of the code and enviro! By the way what are rules about the game template? Can we used as a based for our game? Assets? Can you also talk more about the other modules for sale? They look fantastic! I wish I had that when I was developing Space Command!

Nice job!

Ps:,anyway to get rotating planets so to give a 3D effect to a game? I will buy that too! [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144173[/import]

:slight_smile: Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

The next version of EnViRo will support animation of many of the object types. This will allow you to play a spinning “planet” object animation while it transitions, etc. I’m also currently working on a web browser designer for it.

Of course anyone who purchases it will be able to use it for anything EXCEPT for direct competition of the utility itself. All assets can be used in any game you make but cannot be re-sold as part of packaged or stand alone assets. A disclaimer is included, but for the most part, please, make it your own! Explore the code and season to taste!

Updates will be free to existing users.

I’ll be posting up something on HUDson soon, as version 2 is nearly complete.

So glad you enjoyed the site. I don’t make much money, but I love making people happy. :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144174[/import]


I purchased it (template + enviro) but did not get any email with download link (just email confirmation from PayPal) Any idea how long it takes to get the DL info?

Thanks a lot!

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144242[/import]

Sorry about that. I’ll do some more testing to try to find what went wrong. In the meantime, I’m going to verify your email and get you a linky. :slight_smile: [import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144274[/import]

Thank you. There is chance that the email on file with Paypal did not get to me (m. Bennouf. …at ,cameca…com)

Please use this one lemsim…at…gmail…com

Thank you again. Can’t wait!
Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144292[/import]

OK, I’ve sent you another link.
One other person had an issue as well, trying to figure out why.
Please feel free to contact me through to make sure we get you hooked up ASAP!

[import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144296[/import]

Wow that was fast! I got the link. I will try it as soon as I get home and will let you know.

Thanks again. Can’t wait to learn about the proper way of doing OOP and checkout Enviro!

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144328[/import]

THANK YOU! Got it!

Do you have any doc on how for instance use Enviro? I am also planning on learning about OO design using your template. It looks amazing but also a little bit overwhelming right now! Any suggestions on where I should begin? Do you have any design doc or suggestions on how I should look at the code? Until now (like many people) I was just adding line of codes to do I needed to do but OO seems to the way to go but I must confess it is a lot to absorb… LOL!
In any event thank you for making this code and libs available. Can’t wait to dig in! And thank you very much for the FAST support today!

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144361[/import]

Hey Mo,

No problem. Had a couple “caught by spam filters” too. These things happen and unless I’m sleeping, it should be dealt with immediately.

I include a “Demo” main.lua in all my packages that demonstrate how to use the libraries (except for game templates, of course, as they ARE the demo. :). For EnViRo, tapping the screen will cycle through each Scene. Once you look over the small amount of code it takes to do this, I’m sure you’ll start to get the hang of how it works. Slightly more detailed documentation is being worked on and I’ll ship them out just as soon as they are complete.

I am also working on graphical designers and everyone will be notified and given access when they are complete. :slight_smile:

For EnViRo, take a look at EnViRo_Lib_Default_Set.lua. Make a backup copy, of course, and start playing with the parameters. Change some colors, swap out some images, change some speeds and I’m sure you’ll start to get the hang of it. Next, add a new Scene to EnvScenes.SceneNames, copy one of the existing Scenes, rename to your Scene name (you’ll see the pattern) and start putting in all the elements that you want (copy them from the other Scenes, swap out images, change colors, sizes, speeds, etc).

I can’t wait to see what people create! [import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144365[/import]

Picked up a copy of the code+enviro bundle. Looking fwd to playing with it [import]uid: 32462 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144370[/import]

Sounds good! I will have a lot of fun with it this week end!

I will also love some pointers on the OO design when you get a chance. Just a 30K feet view, nothing too specific. Like I said , it is a bit overwhelming at this time since I really did not use any OO in my current app. Maybe just a quick overview of the Planets template to see how things are connected to each other. I really want to keep away from the linear way I am doing things right now since it leads to spaghetti/hard to maintain code! But I need a starting push!!! I think your game template is PERFECT for this mental switch!

Thanks again.

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144371[/import]

Congrats on the shop, it’s looking really good! Got some nice libraries up already!
I’m even tempted to get the code bundle despite the fact that i don’t need it all :smiley:

Hope it goes well! [import]uid: 69826 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144394[/import]

@jflowers45 - Awesome! I also sent you the EnViRo stand-alone system. Looking forward to the Scenes people create!

@LairdGames - Will be including some heavier documentation soon, and I’ve begun working on including EnViRo in another very small template game to show another use for it as well as more step-by-step instructions on doing so. :wink:

@TandG - HEY!! You’ve always been so very kind and supportive since day one with Wizards3030vs and even Twitter. \m/ \m/ Your site is becoming indispensable as well with all those tutorials! Hope the studio is going well! [import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144404[/import]

Documentation for EnViRo sent out and included in the package now. :slight_smile: [import]uid: 21331 topic_id: 36291 reply_id: 144478[/import]