Any ideas on this? My main.lua code
local composer = require( "composer" ) display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) \_G.prefLib = require "prefLib" \_G.adsLib = require "adsLib" \_G.networksLib = require "networksLib"; local activeNetworksProviders = { ["Android"] = {"google", "CgkIhNyInMgZEAIQAQ"}, ["iPhone OS"] = {"gamecenter", "CgkIhNyInMgZEAIQAQ"} --replace "gamecenter" with "none" if you don't use any leaderboard! }; --networksLib.init(activeNetworksProviders); -- For in game Ad's use this table and call local activeAdsProviders = { ["Android"] = {"chartboost","admob","revmob"}, ["iPhone OS"] = {"chartboost","admob","revmob"}, }; adsLib.init(activeAdsProviders); local ads = require( "ads" ) local bannerAppID = "ca-app-pub-8347067101481503/4080572917" --for your iOS banner if ( system.getInfo( "platformName" ) == "Android" ) then bannerAppID = "ca-app-pub-8347067101481503/2335507715" --for your Android banner end local adProvider = "admob" local function adListener( event ) -- The 'event' table includes: -- string value of "adsRequest" -- event.response: message from the ad provider about the status of this request -- event.phase: string value of "loaded", "shown", or "refresh" -- event.type: string value of "banner" or "interstitial" -- event.isError: boolean true or false local msg = event.response -- Quick debug message regarding the response from the library print( "Message from the ads library: ", msg ) if ( event.isError ) then print( "Error, no ad received", msg ) else print( "Ah ha! Got one!" ) end end ads.init( adProvider, appID, adListener ) "banner", { x=0, y=0 } ) ---===================sound related tasks \_G.musicChannel = 1; audio.reserveChannels(1); --and let's immediately set the volume to the values saved throughout plays local m = prefLib.getSaveValue("musicVolume") or .3 prefLib.setSaveValue("musicVolume",m,true) audio.setVolume(m, {channel = \_G.musicChannel}); for i = 2, audio.totalChannels do local s = \_G.prefLib.getSaveValue("sfxVolume") or 1 prefLib.setSaveValue("sfxVolume",s,true) audio.setVolume(s, {channel = i}); end --also, we're going to use this sound everywhere, so I'll load it here as a global variable once \_G.splashSFX = audio.loadSound("sounds/splash.mp3"); \_G.clickSFX = audio.loadSound("sounds/click.wav"); \_G.fireSFX = audio.loadSound("sounds/spring.wav"); \_G.jumpSFX = audio.loadSound("sounds/jump.wav"); \_G.rocketSFX = audio.loadSound("sounds/rocket.wav"); \_G.fallSFX = audio.loadSound("sounds/fall.wav"); \_G.coinSFX = audio.loadSound("sounds/coin.mp3");, {channel = audio.findFreeChannel()}); -- Later... local img = display.newImageRect("assets/Splash Screen1.jpg",640,1136) img.x = display.contentWidth/2 img.y = display.contentHeight/2 local function move() display.remove(img);img = nil composer.gotoScene( "homescene","fade",1500 ) end timer.performWithDelay(4000,move,1)