The activity plugin takes a text message, an image and a URL. Not every activity can use all of them. I doubt the activity plugin would print a link (if it did, it’s just going to be text.
Here is the tutorial for this:
if (UI\_USER\_INTERFACE\_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) { [pic presentFromBarButtonItem:self.printButton animated:YES completionHandler:completionHandler]; } else { [pic presentAnimated:YES completionHandler:completionHandler]; } }
On the iPad, the box that lets you select the printer has to have a point where it radiates out from. When you use “presentFromBarButtonItem”, it’s expected that you are using a native Button Bar to drive this. There is an option to use: presentFromRect instead. In this case you just need to create a CGrect object (doens’t have to display anything). Maybe something like:
CGRect \*spot = new CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 10);
if (UI\_USER\_INTERFACE\_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) { [pic presentFromRect:spot animated:YES completionHandler:completionHandler]; } else { [pic presentAnimated:YES completionHandler:completionHandler]; } }
or something like that (untested)