Problem with autocomplete after every semicolon

I also get this autocomplete issue when I end a statement with a comma. Can’t seem to get out of it unless I click away or press the ESC key, and I cannot hit return fast enough… maybe a timed delay would fix this as well?

Great product though! I enjoy using Glider. [import]uid: 114363 topic_id: 33214 reply_id: 136651[/import]

I’ve also run into the comma issue several times. [import]uid: 132483 topic_id: 33214 reply_id: 136675[/import]

Hello All,

We understand the frustration of this problem. Rest assured it is fixed in the current development builds but we cannot release the fixes yet as the parser system (autocomplete depends on this) has been completely reworked and still needs testing before it is ready for release. To alleviate this problem please turn off the autopopup.

You can then easily invoke autocompletion via ctrl-space.

M.Y. Developers
[import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 33214 reply_id: 136723[/import]