@lessmsios: glad that the update fixed things for you. I like the simplicity of an enterframe listener because it allows a nice smooth transition, as well as a simple update of the position by adjusting the object’s .position property. It sounds way more expensive an operation than it is. Think of it as akin to updating an object’s .x and .y properties on every frame. No particularly heavy lifting required: I just asjust 2 display rect’s rotations to reflect the ring’s position.
As for supporting gradient, I’ll give it some thought, but I may not get around to implementing it too soon. I’m picky about having those things look seamless, and part of the optimizations for the plugin involved reducing the number of display objects nested in the ring object: I no longer use many pie-shaped segments, but instead use just 2 rects: one for each hemisphere (left & right). So I’d need to rethink that strategy to support a gradient fill.
But thanks for buying, and for helping to make it better with your notes!