Question about native.requestExit

There are times where you don’t want iOS to act like Android and this is one of them. On Android, it’s somewhat acceptable for the back button to eventually lead back to the main menu and then if pressed again, exit (or ask the user if they intended to exit before actually exiting). On iOS, this is forbidden behavior. iOS doesn’t have a back button. Apps, per Apple’s design guidelines, should never exit intentionally. 

If you want your app to behave as they should, you’re going to have them behave differently in this case.


Wait, so if I had a quit button, but it asks a user a prompt if they want to quit, this is not allowed on iOS?

While I can’t find a reference in the current iOS design docs and review docs, yes. There are plenty of examples of people who have been rejected for this. It’s a human decision on Apple’s end, so some people have gotten a quit button through, only to have another reviewer on an update reject it.


It’s just not something that mobile apps need or mobile app users expect. Quitting a desktop app is a common practice, but mobile devices are really good about backgrounding the app so it’s not using very much memory or taking up CPU time while backgrounded.


What about the “winphone” platform? Can I have a quit button with them?

I have taken this into account and added the appropriate code, thank you.

I don’t know what Microsoft’s rules are, but it goes back to the point of one of the links above:

It’s just not something mobile apps have and WinPhone is still a mobile app.


Alright then. Welp, if there something I’ve learned from this:

No quit button.

How to view device platforms.