If you just wanted to implement something simple here is one example:
Server-side API
local api = core.api() function api.encryptSession( input ) local crypto = require("crypto") local sessionSecretKey = "1282a8d89b4d2ae466667b1e6e5f846183feb2c6405408a843a04cd7e1b706be" local sessionId = crypto.encrypt("aes256", input.user\_id, sessionSecretKey) sessionId = core.encode.b64(sessionId) return { session\_id = sessionId } end function api.decryptSession( input ) local crypto = require("crypto") local sessionId = core.decode.b64(input.session\_id) local sessionSecretKey = "1282a8d89b4d2ae466667b1e6e5f846183feb2c6405408a843a04cd7e1b706be" local userId = crypto.decrypt("aes256", sessionId, sessionSecretKey) return { user\_id = userId } end return api
Your client-side calls would look something like:
--# Encrypt local function onEncryptSession(e) if (e.result.session\_id) then local sessionId = e.result.session\_id -- Store the sessionId to a file (not shown) end end core.api.encryptSession({user\_id="\<user-id\>"}, onEncryptSession) --# Decrypt local function onDecryptSession(e) if (e.result.user\_id) then print(e.result.user\_id) -- the users id end end -- Get the sessionId from stored file (not shown) core.api.decryptSession({session\_id=sessionId}, onDecryptSession)
core.encode/decode is an internal api that isn’t documented at this time.