Question about persistent user session


If you just wanted to implement something simple here is one example:

Server-side API

local api = core.api() function api.encryptSession( input ) local crypto = require("crypto") local sessionSecretKey = "1282a8d89b4d2ae466667b1e6e5f846183feb2c6405408a843a04cd7e1b706be" local sessionId = crypto.encrypt("aes256", input.user\_id, sessionSecretKey) sessionId = core.encode.b64(sessionId) return { session\_id = sessionId } end function api.decryptSession( input ) local crypto = require("crypto") local sessionId = core.decode.b64(input.session\_id) local sessionSecretKey = "1282a8d89b4d2ae466667b1e6e5f846183feb2c6405408a843a04cd7e1b706be" local userId = crypto.decrypt("aes256", sessionId, sessionSecretKey) return { user\_id = userId } end return api

Your client-side calls would look something like:

--# Encrypt local function onEncryptSession(e) if (e.result.session\_id) then local sessionId = e.result.session\_id -- Store the sessionId to a file (not shown) end end core.api.encryptSession({user\_id="\<user-id\>"}, onEncryptSession) --# Decrypt local function onDecryptSession(e) if (e.result.user\_id) then print(e.result.user\_id) -- the users id end end -- Get the sessionId from stored file (not shown) core.api.decryptSession({session\_id=sessionId}, onDecryptSession) 

core.encode/decode is an internal api that isn’t documented at this time.



You could pass up some extra items from the device (id or something) to customize the sessionSecretKey even more.


Thanks, I will implement something like this

Just not sure if asking for permissions to retrieve deviceId on android worth it

cant have your cake and eat it mate  :smiley:

Good point. I didn’t think about that.
