@614751320 all Corona Staff would be identified on the left under their name and avatar as “Corona Staff”. This is an Apple issue unless we can identify a common ad plugin everyone is using. We are monitoring the situation. Rob
I got a reply from Apple!
- 3. 1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase
Thanks for your response. To be compliant with Guideline 3.1.1, please remove any and all codes related to AliPay (支付寶) within your app.
Please revise the binary and resubmit your app when it is ready. Let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
App Store Review
What the hell is “AliPay” and how to remove it ?
Please advise, thanks.
Looks like AliPay is a “Chinese third-party mobile and online payment platform”.
But according to this thread from August 2016, Corona doesn’t support AliPay:
I made a quick search in my app binaries (iOS and Android) but can’t find any reference to “AliPay”…
I really didn’t have a third-party payment, and I even had my own little DEMO, which was rejected by apple with 3.1.1. I’m going to throw a bomb at the apple home now to show that I’m innocent.
Maybe they are also looking at LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in the Info.plist file which I guess you need for
external billing to re-launch an app. Search for “payment”, “purchase” in your code too.
I got some hits with “purchase” or “payment” but nothing usable as it is all in binary format
(like: Line 112508: ‡@:;áã)
Can the library of webView be removed? I’ve heard a lot of people say that this could lead to an apple rejection (3.1.1)
Did you get a reply from engineering regarding “AliPay” references in Corona (/Appodeal) code ?
It seems Apple won’t validate any Corona app until this is removed from wherever it is used…
I haven’t had a chance to ask them about it yet. If it’s in Appodeal, that’s a different issue. Can everyone getting rejected confirm what plugins they are using?
As for AliPay I’ve never heard of that and I’m 99.999999% sure it’s not in our core. I’m going to bring this up today, but in the meantime, if I remember some of you said you’re not using any plugins.
Let’s see if we can narrow the plugin issue down.
We just use flurry… nothing else.
Here is the list of plugins I use on iOS only (for full list, see my build settings in previous post):
Hope this help,
Thank you @Rob
Did you get another reply from Apple review team about something like ‘AliPay’ too ?
No AliPay!
But we have submitted a new build and explained about the issue.
@Rob I don’t use Corona but have these 3rd party in my rejected app
Fabric with Crashlytics.
The rejection might be Fabric since it allows Stripe to include , a billing SDK.
Apple just confirmed that the source of the issue is “AliPay” for us well. Never heard about it before today.
Comparing build settings, the only plugins that we have in common with GoG are these:
CoronaProvider.gameNetwork.apple (iOS)
plugin.google.iap.v3 (Android only)
We were responding to something called YRPay, but I never heard of it. What the hell is this?
@ Rob
Libplugin. Openssl. A
Libplugin. Zip. A.
Libpasteboard. A.
These are all Corona plugins
This is very weird false positive. We do not have Ali Pay anywhere inside our product. We don’t have any references to it at all, on any platform.
My guess is AliPay has some symbols like “makePurchase” or other common word that we have too. You can respond to reviewer that your apps have nothing to do with AliPay and didn’t even stand close to that payment system. If they can point out why do they thing we have AliPay, that would be helpful, because it is hard to fix something we don’t have broken.
I am so sorry for this situation. But I am in same boat as you - I just don’t have any idea why apple believes we have AliPay.
@vlads and others: I submitted an update to one of my iOS apps yesterday to apple. It contains NO plugins. A few hours later it was approved and status changed to ‘ready for sale’. This confirms that the corona base passed through their bot without raising any flags. Hence, as @rob mentioned before, this definitely has to do with a plugin that is tripping the bot.
May be they just fixed their verification? I just don’t see how plugins for game center can introduce anything like AliPay…
Thanks you very much for your verification.
As I thought, it is a false positive from Apple side, maybe triggered by some keywords indeed…
Thank you for the follow up.
It is really good news, as Vlads said, that it is not an issue with Corona core code.
I will try to rename some of my IAP related function (keeping my plugins) and commit an update for review in upcoming days.
I’ll keep you updated regarding the iOS review state.
Thank you for the link, looks like Apple wrongly find ‘AliPay’ references where there isn’t…