please post the full text of your message. All Apple submissions errors are 9000 errors.
oops! I forgot to add the screenshots on last message.
Also post your Corona SDK build screen just before you hit the “build” button.
Xcode can be very picky with Code Signing Identities. You have a few expired ones that I’d highly recommend deleting.
They might be interfering with the new one you have created.
Your profiles are full of expired and invalid profiles. I would clean out your ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ folder and download new ones. You also seem to have two Xcode identities present too.
In addition here are the list of things that have caused signing errors:
Expired Key/Cert pair in Keychain Access. Sometimes they are buried in side other entries.
Spaces in the path name (which you do have)
Icons on your folder (including coloring your folder), there will be an Icon? (really Icon\r) folder in with your main.lua
Using a res or resources folder.
Non ASCII characters in the project name.
There is a Library folder in your home directory. Inside of there is a folder called “MobileDevice” and then inside there “Provisioning Profiles”. Empty that folder and re-download your good ones.
From the terminal/command line:
cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles
rm *.mobileprovision
Using Finder, click on the Go menu at the top, the “Go to folder” and enter: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profile
Move the profiles to the trashcan.
Thanks guys for the heads up… it was a bad certificate somewhere, I think I missed one when I tried to delete only corona certs. I erased them all, and it uploads fine now!!!