Run app on iOS device "The applicaton does not have a valid signature"

Any update ?

Hi @peterho386,

At this point, I suggest that you step back and try to build/install one of the Corona sample apps like “Hello World”. This may help determine if it’s an issue with your provisioning/certificate/keychain, or something with the app that you were trying to install (your project). Please try the sample project located in your local Corona application directory:

CoronaSDK > SampleCode > GettingStarted > HelloWorld

Also, how are you specifically trying to install the app on your iPad? Via the Xcode Organizer, or through iTunes?


Dear Brent,

I have debug my ios app (obj-c) in my iPad via XCode.

I do not understand why Corona cannot handle my provisioning profiles correctly. But XCode can.

Finally, I decide to install a new Yosemite in an external harddisk. Then install XCode 6.1.1 and Corona Simulator : 2014.2511

After compilng mygame.lua, the can be insalled in my iPad.

Thanks for your help !