I was able to reproduce the Black Screen issue. I think the reason I didn’t see it before is because I was using the latest build (2171) on some pretty recent iOS devices and looking for a black screen that was there for a few seconds. After running some tests on build 2153 with an old iPad1, I see the issue.
I went back and found that the issue was introduced in build 2119 and was fixed in 2155. So builds before 2119 and after 2154 work. For the builds in between, the amount of time the black screen is displayed depends on what is going on in the main.lua file. If the contents loaded in main.lua is small, the time is short. If there is a lot of content and on a slower device, the black screen will be there longer.
On all Graphics 2.0 builds, there is a “short” black screen issue, that is caused by how screen rendering is handle (it’s not there in Graphics 1.0). The amount of time for the “black flash” seems to be dependent on the speed of the device. Faster devices don’t show the issue and it’s visible on older devices (iPhone4 and iPad1).
So with the current daily build, there MAY be a sort black screen between the splash screen and displaying the app. This only happens when the app first loads and it may not be noticeable on the marjory of iOS devices. This delay has been around since Graphics 2.0 was introduced. This issue does not affect Android devices.