We Have An Idea On When This Will Go Live Yet?


would be nice if it was launched this week. Many people are interested in the cloud.

Hey guys - we are working hard on this and getting closer. Stay tuned…

If the Corona Cloud is Analytics, will it show development apps or just delivered - apps on the market?


Also, what would it take to get Corona to deliver test / dev apps via I know I can zip the app + my provisioning cert and upload it to to have my testers (and myself) quickly load it on our devices for testing. 



Looks like it’s here!


But I can’t sign up for it.  Brings me to an “Access Denied” URL.  And I can’t use my current credentials, says, “user not found.”


Shortcut link to Cloud on top website toolbar goes to:


Today’s announcement on the blog brings you here:

Tried to login a couple of times. I always get an error “User not found.Invalid Username or Password”,

Hi all,

I’m checking into this right now; will have an answer for you a.s.a.p. Thanks for your patience!



I could log in without any problems. I can’t wait to start with the cloud. And I won’t ask for the demo project/tutorial (yet) :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, still a no go for me.

Managed to log in - I take it the documentation for ‘seamless integration with Corona SDK’ is not yet ready, as it just redirects to the gameNetwork docs?

There’s documentation here:


Yes I found that - it’s actually worse than the original game minion documentation though. I assumed we’d have some more user-friendly calls like this for example:




cloud.submitMove(“my move”)


local myMatch = cloud.createMatch()



Hi Nick,

Several more “friendly” calls will be available, and details upcoming. I’ll keep you posted on this.



I keep on getting We’re Sorry but something went wrong message. :frowning:

Getting closer.  It looked like it authenticated me - I didn’t get the “user not found” error message, but this came up afterwards:

I am in. :slight_smile:

Hey guys. Our apologies - we had an authentication issue with our SSO and id database (completely unrelated to the actual cloud services). That is pretty much resolved now, but we are doing some testing still.

Yay, I’m in.  Looking good, let’s get started!

Anyone have a good curl to lua converter. The docs don’t offer sample lua code.

We have a lua library that does all the REST calls for you.   Please see this guide:

The first grey block has a link to the github repository where you can find the Lua bindings.   The rest of the guide has the necessary code to get you started with Leaderboards and Achievements.  Multiplayer and the other features follows a similar setup (Runtime listeners). 

You really need this to get started.