Social popup event.action always returns cancelled (Android)

That may be an issue. Can I see that code?

Its the same code, its another option in the sharing panel that is displayed.

Go ahead and file a bug report then.

Make sure to have a main.lua that demonstrates the problem, config.lua and build.settings and any assets it needs to run (images, etc.). Put it in a folder and compress it to make a .zip file. Use the Report a Bug link at the top of this page. You will get an email with a CaseID in the subject. Please post that number back here as a reference.



OK will do.

Case 45532

Just so I know, how long do these bug reports take before they are addressed/updated?

There are too many criteria that depend on when they get looked at. Bugs get a priority and are worked on in that order and depending on engineering availability. In this specific case, its been assigned to an engineer to look at.
