[SOLVED] Scrollview size incorrect on tablet

Hi @waltsir,

This is likely because you’re not using dynamically-selected images. I highly recommend that you do… it’s virtually a necessity for modern app development across a wide array of devices.

Best regards,


Thanks for the tips :wink:
By the way I coded my own scrollview and I had exactly the same result than the widget! I suspected the problem comes from the big size of the image on that “old” device which has probably textures limits


It’s because of the device texture size which is limited to 1024x1024. So I splitted the image in 5 parts (1024 pixels max) and now it’s fullscreen. in fact, it seems images could have width or height larger than 1024 but not both.

 local scroll=display.newGroup() local ypos=0 for i=1,5 do local img=display.newImage(scroll,"rules"..i..".png",0,ypos) ypos=ypos+img.height end local scrollview = widget.newScrollView{ backgroundColor = {0,0,0}, x = 0, y = 0, width = display.contentWidth, height = display.contentHeight, scrollWidth = display.contentWidth, scrollHeight = ypos, horizontalScrollDisabled = true, } scrollview:insert(scroll)