Space Shooter Ultimate - could you test it before release?

Great looking game! Love the use of Particle Candy! I am curious about couple things: 1- how did you acheive the fantastic laser beam effect? (PC effect too?) 2- I see the big ships being destroyed but it is not clear how much hits they can take. Maybe add some small health bar for the giant ships? 3- you may want to add new colors to the explosions like I did on my game Space Command. I will try to post the line of code I used to do it. I did not use tint for that. Nice looking game. Good luck with it. Mo

Thanks for positive feelings :slight_smile:

Here is the laser beam I made with GIMP:

And here is the transition for it:,{time=200,alpha=1}),{delay=500,time=200,alpha=0, onComplete=killLaser}),{time=600, yScale=1+0.3*playerData.lasLvl}) 

I’ll consider implementing health bars for other enemies, maybe in future update if it’s too time-consuming.

Please share your code for changing colors of the explosions, maybe this will look better :slight_smile:

Same as before, except now Neptune is gone.   What devices have you run this on?

I have only Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 so it’s the only device I used for testing.

Could you debug it with Dalvik Debug Monitor?

Once connected via usb it should show some errors in the log.

Sorry, that’s a little too much work for a test drive.   I don’t even have Eclipse installed.

If you’re catching errors, how about throwing them up in a popup?

You don’t need eclipse, it’s in tools of android sdk. The problem is I don’t catch errors, maybe it’s time to change it. Thanks anyway.

BTW, please tell me what Galaxy Tab do you have precisely and what OS version.

@Div, WOW! thanks for the great share about the laser beam. I  will assume the beam always go from the shooter craft to the end of the screen? (and not from point A to point B)

By the way here the line of code I am using to randomize explosion in my games that use PC module.


    Particles.CreateParticleType (“LiquidFire”, 


–      }

– mRand is just localize random function. ie mRand = math.random()

Particles.SetParticleProperty(“LiquidFire”, “colorStart”, {mRand(1,255),mRand(1,255),mRand(1,255)})

You have to play with the RGB “colorStart” but I think you can make very cool explosion effect. For instance, in one my game, I wanted to have planets explosions to be more redish but laser beam explosions to be more blueish.  That line of code helped on that.

Hope this help.



The laser beam occurs as you described :slight_smile:

I must find out why my game doesn’t work as supposed on some devices…

Then I’ll focus on color variations of the explosions.

Great thank you! Yes that’s sound like a good plan. Mo

I tested my game on all available samsung remote devices:

Everywhere it installs and works ok, also on various versions of galaxy tab. I think I’ll release the game soon.

Yes, you definitely don’t want to release if you don’t catch errors.   I hear the music, so I assume I’m on the main menu scene, but no other graphics load.   

I’ve got the Samsung Galaxy Tab II, model GT-P3113, OS version 4.1.1

Released the game as it runs without problems on all devices I tested. I’ll make fixes if I get additional info about bugs.

If you like it, feel free to give a nice rating and review :slight_smile:

Downloaded from Google Play, still the same on my device.   I hooked it up and ran ddms.   Only errors I see are these:

02-03 08:48:29.861: E/SensorManager(31719): thread start

02-03 08:51:43.204: E/SpannableStringBuilder(31719): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length

02-03 08:51:43.204: E/SpannableStringBuilder(31719): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length

Here is the full log for the PID.

02-03 08:48:29.634: I/ActivityThread(31719): Pub com.div.spaceshooterultimate.files:

02-03 08:48:29.657: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.657: D/dalvikvm(31719): Added shared lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.657: D/dalvikvm(31719): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538, skipping init

02-03 08:48:29.657: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.665: D/dalvikvm(31719): Added shared lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.665: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.665: D/dalvikvm(31719): Shared lib ‘/data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/’ already loaded in same CL 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.665: I/dalvikvm(31719): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/

02-03 08:48:29.665: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): alc_opensles_init

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Added shared lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Added shared lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538, skipping init

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Added shared lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538, skipping init

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Added shared lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538, skipping init

02-03 08:48:29.673: D/dalvikvm(31719): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.689: D/dalvikvm(31719): Added shared lib /data/data/com.div.spaceshooterultimate/lib/ 0x4208a538

02-03 08:48:29.704: V/SoundPoolThread(31719): beginThread

02-03 08:48:29.712: V/SoundPoolThread(31719): run

02-03 08:48:29.751: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 196K, 9% free 7572K/8263K, paused 12ms+2ms, total 34ms

02-03 08:48:29.861: E/SensorManager(31719): thread start

02-03 08:48:29.861: D/SensorManager(31719): registerListener :: handle = 1  name= BMA254 Acceleration Sensor delay= 200000 Listener= android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl@420bb930

02-03 08:48:29.900: D/libEGL(31719): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/

02-03 08:48:29.915: D/libEGL(31719): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/

02-03 08:48:29.923: D/libEGL(31719): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/

02-03 08:48:30.025: D/OpenGLRenderer(31719): Enabling debug mode 0

02-03 08:48:30.228: D/dalvikvm(31719): Note: class Landroid/opengl/GLWrapperBase; has 250 unimplemented (abstract) methods

02-03 08:48:30.243: V/GLSurfaceView(31719): glGetString(7937) returns PowerVR SGX 540;

02-03 08:48:30.321: V/Corona(31719): > Class.forName: network.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.321: V/Corona(31719): < Class.forName: network.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.321: V/Corona(31719): Loading via reflection: network.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.329: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 367K, 11% free 7632K/8519K, paused 12ms+2ms, total 36ms

02-03 08:48:30.415: V/Corona(31719): > Class.forName:

02-03 08:48:30.415: V/Corona(31719): < Class.forName:

02-03 08:48:30.415: V/Corona(31719): Loading via reflection:

02-03 08:48:30.431: I/Corona(31719): --> PARTICLE SYSTEM READY. LET’S ROCK.

02-03 08:48:30.446: V/Corona(31719): > Class.forName: plugin.sponsorpay.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.446: V/Corona(31719): < Class.forName: plugin.sponsorpay.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.446: V/Corona(31719): Loading via reflection: plugin.sponsorpay.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.454: V/Corona(31719): > Class.forName: plugin.tapfortap.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.454: V/Corona(31719): < Class.forName: plugin.tapfortap.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.454: V/Corona(31719): Loading via reflection: plugin.tapfortap.LuaLoader

02-03 08:48:30.470: I/SoundDecoder(31719): ALL MPG123 DECODERS:

02-03 08:48:30.470: I/SoundDecoder(31719):  generic

02-03 08:48:30.470: I/SoundDecoder(31719): SUPPORTED MPG123 DECODERS:

02-03 08:48:30.470: I/SoundDecoder(31719):  generic

02-03 08:48:30.470: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): opensles_open_playback pDevice=0x5f5d4008, deviceName=(null)

02-03 08:48:30.478: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): alc_opensles_probe DEVICE_PROBE

02-03 08:48:30.478: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): opensles_reset_playback pDevice=0x5f5d4008

02-03 08:48:30.478: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): bits=16, channels=2, samples=1024, size=4096, freq=44100

02-03 08:48:30.478: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): create audio player

02-03 08:48:30.493: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): playback_function started

02-03 08:48:30.493: I/OpenAL(31719): _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN=2

02-03 08:48:30.501: I/SoundDecoder(31719): MPG123: Accepting data stream.

02-03 08:48:30.532: I/SoundDecoder(31719): MPG123: Accepting data stream.

02-03 08:48:30.548: I/SoundDecoder(31719): MPG123: Accepting data stream.

02-03 08:48:30.618: I/SoundDecoder(31719): MPG123: Accepting data stream.

02-03 08:48:30.704: I/SoundDecoder(31719): MPG123: Accepting data stream.

02-03 08:48:30.712: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 328K, 10% free 7846K/8647K, paused 14ms+13ms, total 71ms

02-03 08:48:30.736: I/SoundDecoder(31719): MPG123: Accepting data stream.

02-03 08:48:30.853: I/SoundDecoder(31719): MPG123: Accepting data stream.

02-03 08:48:31.126: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.CreateParticleType(): CREATED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Stars1’.

02-03 08:48:31.126: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.CreateParticleType(): CREATED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Cloud’.

02-03 08:48:31.126: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.AddParticleType(): ADDED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Stars1’ TO EMITTER ‘vortex’.

02-03 08:48:31.126: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.AddParticleType(): ADDED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Cloud’ TO EMITTER ‘vortex’.

02-03 08:48:31.189: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 388K, 11% free 7818K/8711K, paused 34ms, total 34ms

02-03 08:48:31.189: I/dalvikvm-heap(31719): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.109MB for 1048592-byte allocation

02-03 08:48:31.228: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3K, 10% free 8838K/9799K, paused 35ms, total 35ms

02-03 08:48:31.306: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 36K, 10% free 8913K/9799K, paused 23ms+11ms, total 79ms

02-03 08:48:31.743: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1488K, 21% free 7908K/9927K, paused 16ms+4ms, total 56ms

02-03 08:48:32.220: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 278K, 20% free 8038K/9927K, paused 14ms+19ms, total 79ms

02-03 08:48:36.595: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 325K, 19% free 8101K/9927K, paused 17ms+4ms, total 54ms

02-03 08:49:26.509: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 418K, 19% free 8067K/9927K, paused 16ms+3ms, total 54ms

02-03 08:50:16.884: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 410K, 20% free 8041K/9927K, paused 7ms+3ms, total 50ms

02-03 08:51:07.103: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 384K, 20% free 8041K/9927K, paused 7ms+5ms, total 51ms

02-03 08:51:28.673: I/SoundDecoder_SetError(31719): Cannot operate on sample because already at EOF

02-03 08:51:36.220: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 313K, 19% free 8132K/9927K, paused 66ms+16ms, total 129ms

02-03 08:51:42.954: D/SensorManager(31719): unregisterListener::  Listener= android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl@420bb930

02-03 08:51:42.954: D/Sensors(31719): Remain listener = Sending … normal delay 200ms

02-03 08:51:42.954: I/Sensors(31719): sendDelay — 200000000

02-03 08:51:42.954: D/SensorManager(31719): JNI - sendDelay

02-03 08:51:42.954: I/SensorManager(31719): Set normal delay = true

02-03 08:51:42.986: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.Freeze() - PARTICLE SYSTEM FROZEN.

02-03 08:51:43.001: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.ClearParticles()

02-03 08:51:43.001: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.DeleteParticleType(): REMOVING ‘Stars1’ FROM EMITTER ‘vortex’

02-03 08:51:43.001: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.DeleteParticleType(): DELETED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Stars1’

02-03 08:51:43.001: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.DeleteParticleType(): REMOVING ‘Cloud’ FROM EMITTER ‘vortex’

02-03 08:51:43.001: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.DeleteParticleType(): DELETED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Cloud’

02-03 08:51:43.040: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.CleanUp(): FINISHED.

02-03 08:51:43.048: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 327K, 17% free 8246K/9927K, paused 3ms+14ms, total 40ms

02-03 08:51:43.204: E/SpannableStringBuilder(31719): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length

02-03 08:51:43.204: E/SpannableStringBuilder(31719): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length

02-03 08:51:43.259: W/SurfaceView(31719): CHECK surface infomation creating=false formatChanged=false sizeChanged=false visible=false visibleChanged=true surfaceChanged=true realSizeChanged=false redrawNeeded=false left=false top=false

02-03 08:51:47.907: D/SensorManager(31719): registerListener :: handle = 1  name= BMA254 Acceleration Sensor delay= 200000 Listener= android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl@420bb930

02-03 08:51:47.978: I/OpenAL_SLES(31719): playback_function started

02-03 08:51:47.993: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.CreateParticleType(): CREATED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Stars1’.

02-03 08:51:47.993: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.CreateParticleType(): CREATED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Cloud’.

02-03 08:51:47.993: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.AddParticleType(): ADDED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Stars1’ TO EMITTER ‘vortex’.

02-03 08:51:47.993: I/Corona(31719): --> Particles.AddParticleType(): ADDED PARTICLE TYPE ‘Cloud’ TO EMITTER ‘vortex’.

02-03 08:51:48.040: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 339K, 18% free 8160K/9927K, paused 24ms, total 24ms

02-03 08:51:48.040: I/dalvikvm-heap(31719): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.444MB for 1048592-byte allocation

02-03 08:51:48.071: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 17% free 9182K/11015K, paused 35ms, total 35ms

02-03 08:51:48.118: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 17% free 9182K/11015K, paused 12ms+6ms, total 46ms

02-03 08:51:48.689: I/Corona(31719):    fbconnect

02-03 08:51:48.689: I/Corona(31719): event.type:    session

02-03 08:51:48.689: I/Corona(31719): isError: false

02-03 08:51:48.689: I/Corona(31719): didComplete: nil

02-03 08:52:45.962: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1536K, 26% free 8157K/11015K, paused 5ms+3ms, total 40ms

02-03 08:53:36.212: D/dalvikvm(31719): GC_CONCURRENT freed 414K, 27% free 8128K/11015K, paused 15ms+4ms, total 65ms


I can’t solve this problem for now. What I have to say is I submitted my game on Samsung Apps and the only reason the certification failed is that volume control doesn’t work on galaxy camera device, no other issues were found…


Please check out this version:

From what I’ve read, it could be the problem related to Corona build 2013.2076. Now I’ve compiled the game with latest daily build.

There is also updated version available on Google Play. Another user had similiar problem as yours and everything works fine now.