TableView onRowTouch response time too long?

You are very welcome!  :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t understand why Corona Team hasn’t fixed this yet. It’s obviously a big issue…Basically the tableView widget is not usable without changing that delay…

Hope they will finally fix it as soon as possible, meanwhile I’ll keep using that ‘patch…’


Is there a way to change this setting without using the widget_tableview.lua file? I tryed with it, but my table gets then corrupted. So I reverted back to 

local widget = require("widget")

for the tableview.

Thank you for the help…

I wouldn’t use tableView, as I had bad experience with it. I find scrollView much more managable and can do what tableView can do. It may just take more coding time.

How do you work with scrollView?  

Hi @cristianduro and others,

This parameter has been available since late November, and is available in the latest public release (2100) for Starters as well. It’s documented in the “newTableView()” API page under “rowTouchDelay”. Default is 110 ms, by the way, if you don’t specify this otherwise.


Brent Sorrentino

Is there a way to change this setting without using the widget_tableview.lua file? I tryed with it, but my table gets then corrupted. So I reverted back to 

local widget = require("widget")

for the tableview.

Thank you for the help…

I wouldn’t use tableView, as I had bad experience with it. I find scrollView much more managable and can do what tableView can do. It may just take more coding time.

How do you work with scrollView?  

Hi @cristianduro and others,

This parameter has been available since late November, and is available in the latest public release (2100) for Starters as well. It’s documented in the “newTableView()” API page under “rowTouchDelay”. Default is 110 ms, by the way, if you don’t specify this otherwise.


Brent Sorrentino