You’re most welcome. Look forward to hearing your good news!
Unfortunately I can’t figure out how to setup the counter for fixing the out of sync data
So that means you did get your categories to show & stick now. All ok with that? If so post another set of code so I can see where you are. I will see if I can give you some more help for that last issue.
I just ran into errors… First row renders with Category name then no other rows render at all. Code is below:
local isPersonType = 0
local function onRowRender( event )
local phase = event.phase
local row = event.row
if row.isCategory == true then
if thisPersonType == 1 then
rowTitle = display.newText( row, “Visitors”, 0, 0, nil, 16 )
elseif thisPersonType == 2 then
rowTitle = display.newText( row, “Personnel”, 0, 0, nil, 16 )
end --if
rowTitle.x = display.contentCenterX
rowTitle.y = row.contentHeight * 0.5
rowTitle = display.newText( row, evacRecs[row.index].givenname…" "…evacRecs[row.index].familyname, 0, 0, nil, 16 )
rowTitle.x = row.x - ( row.contentWidth * 0.5 ) + ( rowTitle.contentWidth * 0.5 ) + 20
rowTitle.y = row.contentHeight * 0.25
end --if
rowTitle:setTextColor( 0, 0, 0 )
print("rowtitle.x = " …rowTitle.x)
if evacRecs[row.index].cd ~= nil then
rowCD = display.newText( row, evacRecs[row.index].cd, 0, 0, nil, 12 )
rowCD.x = row.x - ( row.contentWidth * 0.5 ) + ( rowCD.contentWidth * 0.5 ) + 20
rowCD.y = rowTitle.y + 15
rowCD:setTextColor( 0, 0, 0 )
print("rowCD.x = " …rowCD.x)
end --if
if evacRecs[row.index].mobileno ~= nil then
rowMobile = display.newText( row, evacRecs[row.index].mobileno, 0, 0, nil, 12 )
rowMobile.x = row.x - ( row.contentWidth * 0.5 ) + ( rowMobile.contentWidth * 0.5 ) + 20
rowMobile.y = rowTitle.y + 30
rowMobile:setTextColor( 0, 0, 0 )
print("rowmobile.x = " …rowMobile.x)
end --if
end – function
function loadSQLList()
evacdb = evacpath )
local function onSystemEvent( event )
if event.type == “applicationExit” then
end – if
end – function
for b in evacdb:nrows(“SELECT * FROM Visitor ORDER BY PersonType, Status, GivenName, FamilyName”) do
idx = idx + 1
evacRecs[idx] = {}
evacRecs[idx].sysID = b.SysID
evacRecs[idx].givenname = b.GivenName
evacRecs[idx].familyname = b.FamilyName
evacRecs[idx].cd = b.CD
evacRecs[idx].mobileno = b.MobileNo
evacRecs[idx].host = b.Host
evacRecs[idx].status = b.Status
evacRecs[idx].persontype = b.PersonType
local rowHeight = 75
local rowColor =
default = { 255, 255, 255 },
over = { 0, 174, 239 },
local lineColor = { 220, 220, 220 }
local rowCategoryHeight = 50
local rowCategoryColor =
default = { 212, 212, 212, 200},
if thisPersonType ~= evacRecs[idx].persontype then
thisPersonType = evacRecs[idx].persontype – this would cause an error if set to: thisPersonType ~= evacRecs[idx].persontype
isCategory = true,
rowHeight = rowCategoryHeight,
rowColor = rowCategoryColor,
lineColor = lineColor,
isCategory = false,
rowHeight = rowHeight,
rowColor = rowColor,
lineColor = lineColor,
isCategory = false,
rowHeight = rowHeight,
rowColor = rowColor,
lineColor = lineColor,
end --if
end – for
end – function
Ok. Will get back to you later tonight unless someone else beats me to it. Running out the door right now I’m afraid.
No worries!
For anyone watching this… ksan found that the line: ‘ group, {time = 1000, x = 0, onComplete = testSQL})’ was causing the Categories not sticking issue. Bug report posted. A big thank you to ksan for helping out with this.
It was great fun tracking this one down. Making a cutdown version of your project so we can submit the bug report.
Bug # 25367 - causes tableView Category sticky at the top behavior to malfunction - logged. Thanks much discovering this one.