Template Portfolio Release

You are about half a year too late, but more importantly, he hasn’t gone anywhere! :smiley:

Downhill Skiing
Floor Is Lava
Gear Jumper

Missile Command
Music Memory
Parental Gates

Sliding Puzzle
Slot Machines
Snakes And Ladders
Starters Core

Tic Tac Toe
Tile Targets
Whack A Mole
Word Drop

Word Search


Word Snap

Holy… that’s a lot of content. Lots of respect for setting it free, but I hope you’re not shooting yourself in to foot too much there? You may now be on a salary but you’ve clearly put a lot of time into these templates and the new job doesn’t change that.

Hope the job is going well too. I’m curious as to what you’re doing exactly?

Thanks for the concern.  By doing this, I hope I’ll be helping a few folks in the community.

Yes, that is easily the equivalent of a year of work full-time, but the ROI just wasn’t there. 

A big part of my business was ‘template’ making in my early years here (Corona community), but the average user changed a lot over time and now most of the folks just want everything for free. 

Many of the users who see my templates are poor or students or have some other ‘reason’ for not wanting to spend money for help/ a leg up.  I get it, I can’t support it any more.  So, free it is.  I’ll keep helping folks when I can, but I won’t be making

any more templates nor will I support them.

Note: I should have focused on making games.  @SGS and others have given such advice and they were right.

As far as what I do now… I’m on the memory team here: https://nwlogic.com/

PS - Please don’t take this release or this post as negative.  I simply made mistakes in running my business and I’m an adult with real month to month expenses and responsibilities.  I gave it a real try, but failed.  This was because (as I said above) I focused on the wrong things.  Too bad, so sad, the ride was fun.

Now I get to go back to being a hobbyist game developer using the most awesome 2D engine there is:  Corona

PPS  - Kudos to anyone who ever bought a template or product of mine.  I am not forgetting how awesome each of you is.

It’s sad. This sort of portfolio on Unity or Unreal would probably represent a decent return. Corona need to find a way of getting some real traffic through here, or there’s no real incentive for anyone to produce anything for the marketplace.

Still, some lucky people are going to get a goldmine of learning materials for free!

Damn … I guessed you’re less active because you’ve opted to not spend the whole day replying to almost all questions ever asked here (I, iirc even multiple times, wrote that you should be on CoronaLabs payroll) and instead set the priority to making games.

But, more than ever, I fully understand running out of funding/not earning what you need to pay your bills is simply a situation you can only be in for a limited amount of time. It’s great to hear you’ve found a job in what seems a decent fit for your skills and interests, so congrats for that and still looking forward to see you here and maybe still move your focus and create more games.

This post feels like an obituary - which is sad.

Unfortunately, Corona doesn’t have anywhere near enough developers to sustain a marketplace. 

AWESOME :slight_smile:


Speaking as a longtime “weekend warrior” Corona dev - it ain’t so bad. :wink: Your presesnce here and elsewhere in the community over the years has been inspiring, Ed. I’m happy for you beginning this new chapter in your career - and just think: now that bills are paid with a steady paycheck, you can put your free energy into pure “blue ocean” gamedev, just for the love of the game. I for one look foward to seeing (and buying!) what you end up making. :grinning:

I for one will miss you. Sorry to see you leave.

Like @schroederapps already said, I’ve looked up to you in terms of programming, helping others and everything Corona related for years, even if I had spent the last several years pretty much just lurking here on the forums… but why on Earth am I (and some others) taking such a sad tone? This isn’t an eulogy! :smiley:

Best of luck with your work, Ed! I’ll be looking forward to your future game releases, and many thanks the generous move of giving away all of those templates for free. I’m sure that more people appreciate them than care to comment here.

@Michael Flad - Yeah. I did spend an imbalanced amount of time answering posts here. @SGS pointed this out to me (rightly) also. I just enjoyed it too much.

@schroedderapps (Jason) - Yep. Just for fun now. I’m working on a CYOA style game in my spare time now. It’s a bit niche, but I’m fine with that.

@SGS - I’m still alive and Corona is still alive. Sorry if I made it seem negative. I just wanted to be honest about the why and the “now what.”

@agramonte - I’ll still be here, just less.

@XeduR @Spyric - That’s right :slight_smile: In the words of Monty Python, “I’m not dead yet!”


Good luck on your new career path Ed and thank you for releasing the source code. Amazing contribution to the community as always. Like Jason mentioned, hopefully with bills being paid, you can release new stuff (maybe more games this time?) when you find the time. Looking forward to that.

@Rob, maybe pinning this post somewhere with good traffic would be a good idea for other developers to benefit more from it.


@roaminggamer - I want to thank you so much.  I’ve purchased a few of your templates and SSK2 and even though they’re now all free I do not begrudge paying one penny of it.  The templates that I paid for weren’t for re skinning and releasing, they were to take apart and learn from.  You’re a massive part of this community and I really hope you succeed in your new FT job.

@roaminggamer Thank you for years of great advice and problem solving.  I bought everything you ever put on the marketplace and everything you sold before the marketplace and I’d do it all over again!  They were great learning tools.  I wish you well in your new endeavors and I hope I can return some insights or solutions when you are working on your next game.

Good luck Ed!


I will miss you roaminggamer.

You cleared many of my doubts.

All my games have atleast one of your libraries.

Soory to see you leave.

Thank you sir

For everything