Thanks Carlos for everything you’ve done - I wish you luck on your journey! [import]uid: 7116 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100700[/import]
que onda compa? como que se va?
You were the main reason I move to this wonderful world called CoronaSDK and your talk inspire me to follow your steps to take my crazy ideas into new ventures.
Not sure if I’m dissapointed or happy, but either way…I truly wish you the best.
“The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of going after your dream instead of living someone else’s’ dream.”
Algodoneros Nicaraguenses Socidead Cooperativa Agricola (ANSCA) Forever!
Vaya con Dios!
-Raul [import]uid: 7856 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100702[/import]
Seriously a major bummer – you’ve been such a visible “face” of Corona SDK it’s going to be weird *not* seeing you around.
Yeah, life (and business) goes on, and things like this happen on a regular basis everywhere – but that doesn’t mean it’s not disappointing.
Thanks for your part in getting Corona SDK to the point it is today; a tool we can all use to make our game creation dreams come true.
Jay [import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100705[/import]
It was great meeting you in Tampa, FL. You have been the face to Corona for me. I love what’s being generated by this community. You’re an embedded part of this. Thank you to you and the Ansca Universe!
Kiffin Ayers [import]uid: 80298 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100706[/import]
I think Google should put you on it’s home page.
Thanks again for creating Corona SDK!
Emerson Hsieh [import]uid: 44110 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100707[/import]
Good luck and all the best to you. Thanks for everything you’ve done. You will be greatly missed around the Ansca office.
There is one thing that I’ve been meaning to ask you: Where did you get your hair cut? [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100711[/import]
Goodluck to you. You DESERVE it! Corona SDK is the reason I can get so much done in so little time, and that’s all because you (and your team) created it. [import]uid: 36054 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100712[/import]
Carlos, lo mejor para tí y tu los tuyos.
Muchas gracias por todo. Tu lo hiciste posible!
Te echaremos de menos y nos veremos por twitter! [import]uid: 69841 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100715[/import]
I am…what? What’s going on?
Wow! Best of luck to wherever you are going. I *Almost* met you when you flew into burbank, but I had the busiest day that day and wasn’t able to do it. #regret
Best of luck to you, It’s sad to see you go. I can’t imagine what the face of ansca is.
This is F’ing crazy!
ng [import]uid: 61600 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100718[/import]
Thanks for everything Carlos!
I could safely say that I’m where I’m now thanks to Corona and you. You helped bootstrap my Corona SVG Level Builder lots of times.
And now Corona SVG Level Builder and Corona SDK client work is what pay my bills for a year and a half - I don’t even work with anything else (except some Unity 3D games sometimes too).
All the best for what you have to do outside of Ansca, surely whenever you go there is success.
[import]uid: 10990 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100719[/import]
Thank you for your dedication and hard work over the last 4 years with Corona…you will be sorely missed around here. Hope to still see you on the forums from time to time.
I have honestly never met a CEO of a company who has been so easily accessible and directly involved with his customers as you have been.
You have been an inspiration to us all here, best of luck to you with your future endeavors!
-The Sarcastic Brain Team [import]uid: 5786 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100720[/import]
@Carlos, You are the Man. Thank you so much for the opportunities you have helped provide for all of us. [import]uid: 39088 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100725[/import]
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful community. You will be greatly missed and we wish you the best of luck for your future endeavors. [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100726[/import]
Best of luck to you and your family.
Even after the departure, don’t be a stranger! [import]uid: 39031 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100727[/import]
Thank you Carlos!
I am sure, your passion, your soul, your thoughts and advice will be around the Corona community!
For sure, you are one of the best CEOs and the most accessible and directly involved with his customers.
Wish you the best! [import]uid: 38658 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100734[/import]
Something was clearly up this week but this is about as far away as anything I could have expected :\
Really sorry to see you go, your presence here will be missed; your direct involvement in the community was always really appreciated… All the best with whatever becomes your next. [import]uid: 87138 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100741[/import]
Congrats on what you achieved with Corona and sorry to see you go, best of luck! [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100744[/import]
Wow thats a shame…
I wish you all the best wherever or for whatever you will be doing!
Thanks for everything. [import]uid: 69826 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100746[/import]
Wow, it will be hard to imagine the Corona community without you Carlos. But everybody has to move on sometimes.
I wish you luck Carlos!
//Philip [import]uid: 119384 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100747[/import]
Best of luck Carlos, thanks for everything you have done for me. [import]uid: 84637 topic_id: 24823 reply_id: 100748[/import]