Trouble using Admob

This is very confusing.

In admob I created a ad unit and called it “Banner”, in that ad unit I decide type of ad, make it child friendly, add other ad networks etc…

How does admob know I want that ad unit ?

EDIT: I get the error “Invalid ad request parameter”

EDIT: Sorted it.

appID is the AD UNIT ID that you have setup, this is how it knows what ad to serve.

Oh and it works fine in the xCode simulator, no need to build for device.


Hi guys,

I just started using admob (banner) and I am also very confused! I cannot see the banner on my app. I am sure it is my setup of admob. I went admob site and added an app which game me a   publisher ID = pppppppp

Now I am not sure if i need to add an actual banner ad to the admob site under my app? If do it is giving me “mediation ID” But even if I use that code (instead of the publishing ID) is still does not work (cannot see the banner) 

I should also note that the code works fine with Revmob (banner)…

Thank you for any suggestions. I am wondering if admob just need time before showing ad? 


Hello again.

I found this thread that could help but I do not completely understand it!

It talks about an app ID in the form of ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ???

ads.init( “admob”, “ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”, adListener )

I am assuming that the appID i need to use the publisher ID that we get when we add an app to the admob site? My publisher ID is 

Publisher ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x

 talks  I am not sure why the pubID above is in the form of xxxxxxx/xxxxxx??

I also think that I am confusing the situation by adding a mediation placement banner which is giving another a mediation ID. I am pretty sure now that I do need a mediation banner  placement banner but just need to use the publisher ID to initialize admob for banner (or for full screen for that matter) 

Still I LOVE to confirm all this!

Thank you guys!


Mine is working fine in the xCode simulator and on a Android device.

I created a adMob account, added my app and added a ad unit as a banner ad.

In the init function I use the ad unit id NOT my publisher id (like you have it above).

Then in the show I just call a banner type ad.

Remember it only works on the xCode simulator (NOT Corona simulator) or an actual device.



OMG, I am officially a moron :frowning:  I forgot to add “admob” as one of the provider in a table of providers. Not wonder “revmob” worked. I did add the ad unit “banner” as you said and it works great! (I am seeing the banner ad)

I am wondering about the test mode setting? Should I unchecked that on the admob site for the app? I will assume so…

In any event THANK YOU so much Dave for taking the time and clarify the issue. I was going mad…



I couldn’t see a “Test Mode” any where on the adMob site.

Anyway on the xCode simulator I was seeing test mode type ads but on the actual device am getting proper ads without me changing anything.


It is under app settings tab (close to the managing fliters tab) I just unchecked it but it seems that either way it was showing live ads.

Cool! Thanks Dave.


So this is what causes the confusion. At least on my part.

The admob I’m using is legacy admob. Dave is using New Admob.

New admob has not been rolled out to all countries.  :frowning:

From google support:

Legacy AdMob New AdMob Sites Ad units Publisher ID Ad units ID Publisher controls Ad filters

Changing test mode settings does nothing as mine is showing live ads too!

In my console it shows:

<Warning>: <Google> To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@“6ed781fe56d5beacd11b4ef114205387”, nil];

which is xCode? and i don’t know how.


Ah I thought judging by the answers I was using a different adMob to everyone else, didn’t realise I actually was.



Here I published a template that I use for developing my apps in Corona, I am using admob, and composer. Maybe this can help… :slight_smile:


Here I published a template that I use for developing my apps in Corona, I am using admob, and composer. Maybe this can help… :slight_smile: