I’ll see if I can get you the small project example.
Another interesting point is that this glitch only happens on some of the screens, others it does not.
Glitch screens:
* Main menu scene
* Select tutorial scene
* Puzzle tutorial screen 2 scene
* Classic tutorial screen 1 scene
* Classic tutorial screen 2 scene
* Select Mode scene
Non-glitch screens:
* Splash screen scene
* Settings overlay
* Select difficulty scene
* Classic tutorial screen 3 scene
* Puzzle tutorial screen 1 scene
* Puzzle tutorial screen 3 scene
* Game play scene
* Paused overlay
* Quit “Are you sure” overlay
As I examine this list no pattern really jumps out at me… I can’t really see why one tutorial scene would have the glitch and another would not. They are basically copies of each other with the tutorial graphic switched. Odd indeed.