Hi Brent,
Sorry for the delay (I was out of the office for a few days).
I finally achieve to reduce the code to a few lines, so is more easier for you to determine whats happening with this issue.
local widget = require( "widget" ) local anchoVisible,altoVisible = display.viewableContentWidth,display.viewableContentHeight local function webListener(event) if event.phase == "moved" then local dx = math.abs( event.x - event.xStart ) local dy = math.abs( event.y - event.yStart ) -- if finger drags button more than 5 pixels, pass focus to scrollView if dx \> 5 or dy \> 5 then contenedor:takeFocus( event ) end elseif event.phase == "ended" then print( "toca webView" ) end return true end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local fondo = display.newRect(0,0,anchoVisible,altoVisible) fondo:setFillColor(255,255,255) local contenedor = widget.newScrollView{ id = "contenedor", width = anchoVisible, height = altoVisible, horizontalScrollDisabled = true, verticalScrollDisabled = false, hideBackground = true, bottomPadding = 100, } local grupoCont = display.newGroup(); local webView = native.newWebView( 10, 724, 1004, 400 ) webView.x = anchoVisible/2 webView.y = 100 webView.hasBackground = false local imaxe = display.newImageRect("0007210.jpg",570,400) imaxe.x = anchoVisible/2 imaxe.y = altoVisible/2 - 100 contenedor:insert(imaxe) contenedor:insert(grupoCont) local function redeListener( event ) local evento = event if ( evento.isError ) then local alertaConexion = native.showAlert( "Alert", "Internet connection error.", { "OK" }) else webView:request( "proba.html", system.DocumentsDirectory ) webView:addEventListener( "urlRequest", webListener ) grupoCont:insert(webView) grupoCont.y = 724 end end network.download( "http://www.e-imaxina.com/proba.html", "GET", redeListener, "proba.html", system.DocumentsDirectory )
This is all the code.
As you can see, this work fine (except the takefocus on the webmail) in the simulator both Android devices, but not on iOS.
I’d appreciate so much your help.
Thanks in advance.