Welcome to Linux builds closed beta

We create specific forums so that you can ask specific questions and have answers focused on your question. This thread is about the announcement of the closed beta builds and your question isn’t about that announcement, so creating a new thread would be the proper thing to do.

For as highly requested this feature was, the amount of feedback we have gotten has been pretty minimal. I know more people are interested in running the simulator on Linux, which we’ve started, but perhaps with Corona now being open source, some people who are Linux based might want to take up this issue.


No surprises there really…


I know everyone is busy.

Just wondering - if there will be more fixes to linux builds? =)

@efgames.net, we have a lot on our plate. I’m not sure when we can get back to certain tasks. Now that Corona is open source, perhaps this is something you could get a community developer who wants to tinker with Linux. I believe there is a pull request that we are looking at now that a community developer submitted around the build process.