It’s only landscape (although I allow rotation landscapeRight / landscapeLeft).
When I contacted Chartboost they were aware of the issue and said they would fix it in 5.0, which I can confirm they did.
It’s only landscape (although I allow rotation landscapeRight / landscapeLeft).
When I contacted Chartboost they were aware of the issue and said they would fix it in 5.0, which I can confirm they did.
Just for some clarification. This is an excerpt from an email I got from Chartboost yesterday:
First, iOS 8 is coming soon, bringing along with it some major enhancements for iPhone and iPad. […] The name of the game is compatibility, which is why to avoid interruptions to Chartboost’s monetization services, you need to update to our latest SDK 5.0.
This SDK 5.0 (iOS, Android, Unity) update includes:
• iOS 8 compatibility
• Chartboost Video - interstitial and rewarded
• Easier integration & improved APIs - more impressions and increased monetization
Hey, Ingemar, that’s good to know. Without having the first hand experience with the issue you described, I’m not sure what to make of it. Will you let me know how I may reproduce this?
Thanks so much.
I was testing on an iPod Touch 5th generation and consistently got landscape ads in portrait orientation (obscuring the close button) using Gremlin’s plugin on iOS8.
Since you don’t have any problems, it seems to be an issue that’s based on a number of circumstances if it behaves correctly or not. The fact remains that their 5.0 SDK doesn’t have the problem.
Ah, okay, I’ve been testing mostly on iPad. With the iPod, I unlocked the game, meaning I wouldn’t see how it may regularly behave on iPod.
Edit: BTW, my app is landscape, so, perhaps that’s why I’ve never seen this issue with mine. And, I just checked on an iPhone, and Chartboost showed the close button without an issue.
I have some apps with charboost plugin with the key
licenseKey = “XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX”,
appID = yourAppID,
testMode = false,
appSignature = yourAppSignature,
listener = chartBoostListener,
–betaMode = true,
And in the build settings
[“plugin.chartboost”] =
publisherId = “com.gremlininteractive”,
So I have to remove the licensekey from the apps?
What happens if I dont remove it?
Gremlin’s Chartboost plugin version 1.4.x doesn’t validate licenses so you can remove it after you update ( recompile) with the new plugin. If you do not update you run the risk of the plugin failing if Gremlin decides to take down their licensing server. I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon, but I’d advise you to recompile and re submit your apps quickly to be on the safe side.
I don’t think you should remove chartboost.init(). Without it, how could Chartboost plugin knows the app id and signature key needed to communicate with the official Chartboost server?
You should just keep it there and assume the callback always return a valid license check.
But you DO need to recompile and re-submit your apps as suggested.
The question was about the license key, not chartboost.init() .
No license checking is done with the new plugin, which means the license key can safely be removed as it will be ignored. Actually I’d recommend removing it as it has no use and there’s no reason to have dead code lying around for no reason. The plugin will still dispatch a fake “license valid” event for backward compatibility, however I’d recommend that you remove the code that checks that as well. The plugin is fully functional without it.
Do you mean just commenting out the licenceKey like this and rebuild and resubmit?
---------- licenseKey = “XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX”,
appID = yourAppID,
testMode = false,
appSignature = yourAppSignature,
listener = chartBoostListener,
–betaMode = true,
Also, do we really need this code in the init function
– Print the events key/pair values
for k,v in pairs( event ) do
print( k, “:”, v )
I will assume it is just for debuging purpose.
Thanks Naomi and ingemar for testing the plugin with chartboost and ios8 more or less works for now. I hope it will work for awhile until hopefully Chartboost can work on an Plugin for Corona.
You don’t need the “for k,v” loop. As you said, it’s only for debugging.
…and the init looks like this nowadays:
chartboost.init { appID = "yourAppID", appSignature = "yourAppSignature", listener = chartboostListener }
Well, I have to clean the old code with the new one.
is there something wrong witht he chartboost plugin, even for simple version poll im getting:
Chartboost Plugin version (no version)
The Chartboost plugin will only display ads on an actual device (or Xcode simulator).
You cannot do any testing in the Corona Simulator.
is there something wrong witht he chartboost plugin, even for simple version poll im getting:
Chartboost Plugin version (no version)
The Chartboost plugin will only display ads on an actual device (or Xcode simulator).
You cannot do any testing in the Corona Simulator.