where is Corona Editor menu

I posted a small update today which should fix the startup issue with Sublime Text 2.  If you don’t seem to be seeing it, try removing the package and reinstalling using Package Control.

Same error with the new Corona Editor 1.5 on Mac OS 10.10 :

Here is the error message : 

snippets exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘Packages/Corona Editor/Main.sublime-menu.template’

Corona Editor: Failed to load Snippets menu: Packages/Corona Editor/Main.sublime-menu.template

What is wrong?


Same error for me.

plugin init time: 0.175218

loading bindings

loading pointer bindings

found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme

snippets exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘Packages/Corona Editor/Main.sublime-menu.template’

Corona Editor: Failed to load Snippets menu: Packages/Corona Editor/Main.sublime-menu.template

theme loaded

app ready

New install of Sublime & Corona editor 1.5 OXX Yosemite.

Any help appreciated

Same error here when I updated to the latest version of the Corona Editor (was fine before the upgrade):

snippets exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘Packages/Corona Editor/Main.sublime-menu.template’

Corona Editor: Failed to load Snippets menu: Packages/Corona Editor/Main.sublime-menu.template

I’ve verified that the file does indeed exist.

I posted a small update today which should fix the startup issue with Sublime Text 2.  If you don’t seem to be seeing it, try removing the package and reinstalling using Package Control.