We don’t have an argument that these values belong in a plug-in. I don’t think you realize the severity of the issue at hand. We have live games using these fields! How are we expected to update our ad supported game on android which needs Android advertiser ID starting August 1st???
We expect to get a solution from corona as soon as possible to cover the degradation of the system.info API. You made a quick, half baked change to comply with Apple guidlines regarding usage of the advertising ID. Now you need to return the SDK to its previous state.
Note that these are just fields, already in use in iAds an Admob plugins which you do support and comply to latest guidlines. Having them exposed as well in an advertising data plugin can probably be completed including full testing within a day. you should give this a proiority over other nice to have items (which comprise most of what was added during 2014 so far). I understand your need to show more features, but in software development, there are lines you must not cross. Degrading APIs is a huge red flashing line. Note that even apple did not retire its unique Id before having a solid replacement and also game another year for all publishers to comply.
Any future requirement from the app stores will anyhow be restricted to this plug-in. For the time being, we do not expect further modifications.
I can write my own engine for particles using your current API, but I can’t write one to get these ad fields. As a multi-platform solution, the minimum you are expected to, is to expose the most of each platform APIs you support. Ease of use addons, such as particles, composer, editor etc. can certainly come from a 3rd party.