Widget for text input...

Just found out that MS Visual Studio is free, so I can go and explore developing with Marmalade.

FYI: I am interested in learning app dev privately. However I work in a corporation (20k+ employees). When we start developing apps, I cannot advocate for Corona. I hope the developers take this seriously - be honest and stop talking about business apps or get serious. 

I feel a little sad though, I like Lua and the feel of Sublime (and I hate VisualStudio) - but guys, seriously. No proper text input…

 I suppose you’re free to laugh.  But Corona SDK is an OpenGL product.  Microsoft does not permit native controls to be in same window as an OpenGL Window.  The lack of text input on Window’s isn’t by choice.  Corona SDK is possible as a cross-platform tool because we have to do as much as we can in a centralized way and that’s Lua and OpenGL.  We may end up having to do more with DirectX on Windows.

Nothing prevents you from doing your testing directly on Android on in an Android emulator.  This is just a limitation on the Corona simulator.


I realize you don’t omit it by choice but what you can choose are your priorities. Please don’t claim business app development prematurely then.

If there would be an ETA I would at least have a time to check back.

Since the simulator does not behave like a device it’s obviously not a complete simulation of what happens on a device.

It’s hard to understand then, than the newTextField has to behave that badly in the simulator. One thing is that you cannot enter things into them, but if a newTextField (or the grey rectangles that are supposed to look like them) is ever shown, this rectangle is obscuring everything, in all scenes, forever after. Is this really necessary? Is this also happening on the mac simulator?

@runewise, I have struggled with the textfield on Windows as well, but I believe they already answered your question. On Windows, they have limitations that they don’t have elsewhere. So the Windows version of the Corona Simulator has limitations.  I doubt it has to be a grey rectangle, though. I think it might as well just be invisible if it’s unusable anyhow.

On the Mac simulator, you can use text fields just fine.

As an experiment, I created my own simulated textfield for working in the Windows version of Corona Simulator.  I was essentially creating a textbox control from scratch – on tap, it gets the focus; as long as it has the focus, it listens for key events, and shows those keys on the screen in the area designated for my textbox.

My idea was to make it awesome and release it to the Corona community to solve this problem, but I couldn’t ever make it as awesome as I wanted, and I finally just gave up on it once I got CoronaViewer working for my Windows developers.

The windows simulator seems to be an unfinished product. CoronaSDK feels like a iOS centric SDK with a little Android put in. Ok for iOS delveloper - not so ideal for us who only develops for Android (at the time being).

Yes, CoronaViewer could probably solve the problems. I have other issues with CoronaViewer, however, but that does not belong in this thread  :slight_smile:

We work hard to keep the Windows simulator even with the Mac version.  But there are physical limitations between the platforms that simply prevent them from being equal.


I use Widget Candy to get around this issue.  Widget Candy provides a simulated text input that works on Windows, Mac and your device.   You lose the native keyboard (which is a drag if you like Swype), but it really does help when you’re developing apps in Windows.   Also, by using Widget Candy, you can customize the keyboard (like number pad only).  Just a tip in case this helps.  

guys. ive struggled with this for a year or two. Its not worth it… 

I built a custom MAC. yes legal parts and legal Yosemite OS from the apstore. its very easy and u follow the guides and u can have a dual development pc up and running. 

Nowi im happily using my corona on mac with designer preview!!! its worth it, and the costs are a quarter of buying a mac. email me if you want more tips and info. 
