Xcode testing issues

To anyone else seeing a similar issue …

If you change the sample project by adding CoronaCards.framework to the Embedded Frameworks"Build Phase" you must be sure to uncheck the Code Sign On Copy option because Xcode doesn’t handle frameworks which embed other frameworks correctly.

Is there any more to the error?

Yeah it says:

Command/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

I’m checking and everything seems to be lining up as far as certificates are concerned.

there’s also some text in there about: Warning: usage of preserve metadata with option “resource rules” (deprecated in Mac OS X 10>= 10.10)

Also, I’m using OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and Xcode version: 6.2, any advice on this appreciated, I’m completely lost

Anyone have anything to offer?

Has anyone had this error when trying to build? What OS X and Xcode are you all running? Any help is appreciated…!

I guess we’re assuming some familiarity with Xcode that not everyone has.

To see more information about an error:

  1.  Click on the reports tab (the little “speech” bubble highlighted in the upper left) and then the “more info” button in the log (lower right):

  2.  The details of the error will be displayed:

What you need to fix will be decided by what the error is.  The sample above was generated by not adding –deep to the code signing options as explained in the tutorial:

If you’re new to Xcode we recommend taking a look at Apple’s tutorial: Start Developing Mac Apps


Not new to Xcode, it’s just been a few years since I’ve used it. Read up on all the documentation already and even googled the error, and  tried many solutions to no avail.

I also made sure to check that --deep was in fact in there yesterday, among other issues with errors pertaining to Code Signing Resources Rules Path and many, many google searches for answers revealed no solutions.

Would really appreciate your help in trying to fix the error if possible, here is a screenshot: (I have wiped out some lines of personal info)


If you look at the codesign command in your screenshot you’ll see that –deep is not there.  That is causing the error.

It should like more like this:

/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --deep /Users/perry/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-exkrshgdzyopoccujnobxdluvvfh/Build/Products/Debug/TestApp.app

The warning is benign and comes from having built the project with an older version of Xcode in the past (or it might depend on the version of OS X).  Just make sure that –deep (that’s dash-dash-deep) is in Other Code Signing Flags.

@PerryClarke: And I can tell you with 1000% certainty that --deep (with two dashes) is there, and that’s the error I’m getting… any other ideas?

(Under Build Settings, Other code signing flags) I entered --deep

Hmmm, please post your screenshot again with the –deep  highlighted on it as I can’t see it!

Here’s a screenshot: Apologies, I didn’t highlight, but you can see the bottom under Code Signing that –deep is indeed there…

And just to confirm: Xcode 6.2 is being used and OS X 10.10.2


@Perry Clarke Do you have anything to add to this? Really appreciate any help with this error message

The place we need to see –deep is on the codesign command in the build log (the one that is currently giving you an error because –deep hasn’t been specified).  In a vanilla setup, you would put this, as you have, in the Other Code Signing Flags section of the Build Settings. Something that indicates you do not have a vanilla setup is the fact that your codesign command has extra arguments like –preserve-metadata which must be coming from somewhere.  I’m guessing that you didn’t start by copying the TestApp project in the beta download and adding your Corona project to it.

Try opening the TestApp project in the beta1 download and building that with no changes.

I copied the project over as you said, and still getting the same error. The only thing I added before building was the CoronaCards.framework, I tried building and the same error popped up.

The extra arguments you referenced, is there a way to get rid of this error? Should I try deleting Xcode and reinstalling as new? I’ve literally tried everything on the planet to get this to work to no avail.

I even revoked all my certificates, and reinstalled, checked and double checked everything and same error…

Tried clearing the cache, etc and same error came up. This is indeed mind boggling that myself and my associate are the only ones experiencing this, and we have done everything you have explained to us in the docs, and in the forums to a “T”. Doesn’t make any sense.

Just to clarify something really obvious here: We are trying to “Build” the project using our certificates and not just test this app under “Don’t code sign” The window pops up just fine and shows the project, but we are trying to build this using our dev certificates and code sign.

Can you please clarify if building the project using our certificates should also work? Or is that coming later.

Building the TestApp project included in the beta and signing using a Developer ID works fine here:

EDIT: If signing isn’t working for you then you can always skip it for now and come back to it later.  The current beta isn’t suitable for building a release version of an app anyway so signing isn’t crucial at the moment.

@Perry: Can you show me a screenshot of the code signing area so I can see what differences there may be. So you were actually able to build the .app file just fine with signing? Very odd.

I’m not the only one having issues signing the app, another associate of mine is having similar issues with signing. Testing the app however without signing is working just fine.

I’m not sure what you’re asking for but my first response on this thread includes everything I think you need.

If you want to open the TestApp project included in the beta download, do nothing except change the Signing  option to Developer ID on the General project screen in Xcode and build then PM me the entire log of the build (assuming it fails in the manner you’ve described) I’ll take a look and see if anything stands out.

Just PM’d you the screenshots, thanks again for being so helpful :slight_smile: