1.9 code completion issue?

Hello Nathan,

[font=‘Lucida Grande’, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]Another one… I collapse all my functions and only open what I need to work on. Then I quit Glider and come back in - all my functions are expanded again - is there a simple way to prevent this?[/font]

Sorry but there is no way to persist code folds at this time.

How long is the result list? How long is the file that you are editing? We are going to implement an option soon that will allow you to keep the autocomplete database in memory. This was how the previous versions of Glider worked. This works fine if you have a few files “discovered” by the scanner but will eventually crash the IDE if you have too many open. The tradeoff is that it will be much faster than the current disk-based database version.

M.Y. Developers

How long is the result list? It depends what I’m typing - if it’s only of my variable names it might only be 2-3 entries long. My file is 3,600 lines long.

I’ve had to switch back to 1.7 - it’s too painful to use as-is. It seems to progressively get worse - slowing down the whole UI more and more until the point where it’s taking 20 seconds just to pull down a menu.


Hitting another interesting problem… if I use 1.9 for a while and start saving graphics into my project folder directly from photoshop (usually about the second or third graphic), the latest graphic only comes up as a white box in the simulator. I try quitting the simulator, rebuilding, same thing. I then go to quit Glider and it says there is a task still running (checking for external updates) and the only way to quit is to force quit. I then run it again and it’s fine.


Hello Nathan,

Please try disabling this option:


Also, please send us the logs via help-> upload logs. How often does this problem occur? 


M.Y. Developers

Hello Nathan,

I think we tracked down the reason of this problem and will have a fix with the next update.


M.Y. Developers

Awesome thanks - I’ll give 1.9 a try again when it ships. It would be great if you could post here or email when it ships.



Hello Nathan,

Thanks for uploading the logs! Please see if the problem is fixed in version 1.9.1 (via help-> check for updates.) We specifically addressed the problems in the logs so it should work better for you now.


M.Y. Developers

OK thanks - I’ll apply it now and see how I go tomorrow (Australian time).

Hello Nathan,

There is an update that should greatly improve performance.


M.Y. Developers

Hello Nathan,

Sure. Please let us know how it works out, You should not be having these issues again.


M.Y. Developers

Just had the problem where it slows right down again (even scrolling is a problem). I tried to quite but the app became unresponsive and I had to force quit. Will submit my logs.


Hello Nathan,

Thanks for uploading the logs, sorry they are so large. About how long into coding does this error occur? How many document tabs do you have open?


M.Y. Developers

2 docs open - not sure about timing - at least an hour - will keep better track this time.

Also switching regularly between Photoshop and Glider.


Much better in terms of speed, but it’s not bringing through my object variable names.

E.g. myObject.test = 1

In another function type “myObject.” and it comes up with “test” in 1.7, but not 1.9.


Hello Nathan,

Thanks for your observations. Has the update helped even a little bit? Does it stay opened longer? Is it faster? We are trying to replicate the problem on our machines and so far here is the setup:

  1. 2 docs open, each 3600-4000 lines long.

  2. Edit the document, invoke autocomplete, then alt-tab to photoshop and alt-tab back

  3. repeat step 2 for an hour and the error should occur.

Please let us know if you think there is anything else you can think of. 


M.Y. Developers

Hello Nathan,

Can you please post a more complete example? Custom variables should show up.


M.Y. Developers

I think the time is even less than that - just had to force quit for the second time today. Note that I’m editing image files that belong to the app in Photoshop - and they are big files (e.g. spritesheet with 3 photos 640 * 960 each @ 2x).

Update has helped general performance, but it stil hits a cliff where the typing becomes really slow, my Mac’s fan goes onto full speed and I need to forcequit to recover.


OK I jumped back into 1.9 again today.

Here’s an example

myTable = {}

myTable.variable1 = “v1Content”


function myFunc(aTable)

    aTable.      — I would expect this to pop up with “variable1” as an option


Also… there’s definitely something different about the font for the code display in 1.9 - I’m having trouble getting used to it - can I switch back to the old font/style 1.9?

Speed is still a real problem. It gets behind with my typing, and scrolling pauses a lot too. Unusable at the moment…

Had the problem again this morning - working on a much smaller file (1900 lines).

This time the “live code scanner” seems to be stuck. Was saying 100% but was at 1560/1561. Slowed the whole thing to a crawl - had to quit - couldn’t quit - had to force quit.