Hello Nathan,
Please do send the logs, we really want to get to the bottom of this problem.
M.Y. Developers
If anyone else is having a similar problem(s) please let us know.
Hello Nathan,
Please do send the logs, we really want to get to the bottom of this problem.
M.Y. Developers
If anyone else is having a similar problem(s) please let us know.
On the way…
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for the code sample. Do you get the desired behavior in 1.7?
We will work on improving the speed, are you running a mac or a pc?
M.Y. Developers
Hello Nathan,
I think we finally tracked down the bug that is causing this. A fix will be available with 1.9.15 (later today.)
M.Y. Developers
I’m just starting my day - happy to test when it’s available.
Hello Nathan,
Please try the update (version 1.9.15.) If the problem still persists please try the following option:
M.Y. Developers
I’m on a Macbook PRO (2.4GHz i5, 4GB).
Tested it again today and I could get it to work on both 1.7 and 1.9 - weird. When I freshly launch 1.9 it’s really good, and progressively gets slower, to the point where the code completion box either takes forever, or comes back with no results when it should have some (perhaps some sort of timeout?).
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for the details. We are working on getting this issue sorted out, it seems like a memory leak. The typing lag will also be fixed in version 1.9.1.
M.Y. Developers
Thanks guys - great that you are so responsive - it’s a great product.
Hitting another interesting problem… if I use 1.9 for a while and start saving graphics into my project folder directly from photoshop (usually about the second or third graphic), the latest graphic only comes up as a white box in the simulator. I try quitting the simulator, rebuilding, same thing. I then go to quit Glider and it says there is a task still running (checking for external updates) and the only way to quit is to force quit. I then run it again and it’s fine.
Hello Nathan,
Please try disabling this option:
Also, please send us the logs via help-> upload logs. How often does this problem occur?
M.Y. Developers
Problem is persisting, but happening a lot less (i.e. work for longer before slow-down).
I tried scanning “only stubs” but had to turn it back on - the auto-complete didn’t seem to know about any of the corona commands and was randomly highlighting parts of code in green.
Took the latest update and now code folding isn’t available any more… getting very frustrating. Tried turning the preference off and on, but still no folding.
Going back to 1.7.
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for uploading the logs! Please see if the problem is fixed in version 1.9.1 (via help-> check for updates.) We specifically addressed the problems in the logs so it should work better for you now.
M.Y. Developers
OK thanks - I’ll apply it now and see how I go tomorrow (Australian time).
Hello Nathan,
Sure. Please let us know how it works out, You should not be having these issues again.
M.Y. Developers
Just had the problem where it slows right down again (even scrolling is a problem). I tried to quite but the app became unresponsive and I had to force quit. Will submit my logs.
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for uploading the logs, sorry they are so large. About how long into coding does this error occur? How many document tabs do you have open?
M.Y. Developers
2 docs open - not sure about timing - at least an hour - will keep better track this time.
Also switching regularly between Photoshop and Glider.
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for your observations. Has the update helped even a little bit? Does it stay opened longer? Is it faster? We are trying to replicate the problem on our machines and so far here is the setup:
2 docs open, each 3600-4000 lines long.
Edit the document, invoke autocomplete, then alt-tab to photoshop and alt-tab back
repeat step 2 for an hour and the error should occur.
Please let us know if you think there is anything else you can think of.
M.Y. Developers