I don’t understand what was done with 1.9 with respect to folders.
When I try and open my projects from my NAS, all my folders are now a bight blue, and when I double click the folders to traverse deeper into them, instead LUA tries to load these folders as ‘projects’. Once these folders are open then there is no option to set which one is main project, as just the folder name shows up there which has nothing buy subfolders
For example
-Code Projects
-Project 1
-Project 2
-Project 3
If I double click on NetworkDrive, then it loads the empty folder as if it were a project, and now it will only let me set this empty networkDrive as the ‘main project’ and when you hit run, of course it says no main.lua was found.
This behaviour makes no sense…why is 1.9 seeing enpty folders as projects? It used to show a glider icon on the folder when it was a project…now it seems to make almost every single folder a bright blue ‘project’ folder…