150$ For a quick physics function

Hello I’m looking for a function that will have a snow / wind affect on an image. Here is what I’m looking to achieve 

Edit: Thanks everyone  for looking. I decided to write the code myself though.


Do you need it to be physics? It should be easy enough to replicate the behavior with some transition.to functions and some math.random variables. StarCrunch has some cool stuff up on github if you want to take a look:


That link has some good stuff but nothing that I’m looking for. I want the images to sway across the screen as if the wind was blowing it and then settling down and then picking up again. Like a feather falling from the sky will have kind of a swaying path.

It doesnn’t have to be physics if you think it can be done using transitions that would be fine…probably a lot less memory usage too. I just don’t want it to appear linear. All the attempts I’ve tried using transitions it always appears linear to me and not natural.

It sounds like what you need is a particle engine like CBEffects (my own free one). If you ask me, paying $150 for something like that (really just some particle goodies) is  extremely overpriced.

  • C

Yeah I agree it’s overpriced but I found that overpricing jobs tends to get completed much quicker then pricing then right. Money isn’t an issue time is more of an issue for me. I’d rather pay someone to get this done so I can knock out other more critical parts of the app if that makes sense.

Money isn’t an issue

Tell me your secrets!

If it takes you 2 hours to do you’re making $75 an hour. That’s nice, but it’s not on the high end of consulting fees by any means.

But I’ll bet it takes you (a generic “you” not any specific person) longer than 2 hours. It might take you 4, or 5, or longer. And then when you have it done, you’ll tweak it some more. And then when you send it to dmglakewood he/she’ll say, “Remember, I said it needed to do X.” and you’ll spend another 2-3 hours fixing that and making it work correctly.

And by the time you’re done you’ll have made $7.75 an hour. 

Or, maybe you’ll crank it out in an hour with your mad ninja-like skills. Could go either way, but I’d bet on the former. :slight_smile:


Haha just a few successful android apps. 

Yeah it really depends on the person. I was hoping to get this completed by tonight but didn’t get too much interest in the job so I decided to write it myself. It took me about an hour after I tried and failed using transitions I switched it up to physics. It only took me about 20 minutes to write the physics version. It’s not 100% how I want it but I’d say I have 10 minutes of tweaking left.

Here is the code for anyone that may be looking for how to do this in the future.

--Start the physics engine local windPhysics = require("physics") windPhysics.start() physics.setGravity(5,3) physics.setScale(4) --This function will create a new wind image at random 50% of the time --the other 50% it will do nothing local function createNewWindImage() if(math.random(2) == 1) then --Create a new wind image and set the location to the top left of the screen local windImage = display.newImage(windGroup, "machines/"..levelPath.."/images/wind.png") windImage.x = -windImage.width windImage.y = math.random(display.contentHeight \* .7) local randomSize = math.random(50, 100) / 100 windImage:scale(randomSize, randomSize) physics.addBody(windImage, "dynamic", {isSensor=true, radius=15}) --Apply upward force to some objects so they don't all travel the same way if(math.random(3) == 1) then windImage:applyLinearImpulse(math.random(3), -3, windImage.x - math.random(2), windImage.y) end --Apply wind to all the objects local rand = math.random(4) if(rand == 1) then local windSpeedX = math.random(-3,-1) local windSpeedY = math.random(-3,-1) for i=1,windGroup.numChildren do if(windGroup[i]) then if(windGroup[i].x \> display.contentWidth) then --If the image is off the screen then remove it windGroup[i]:removeSelf() windGroup[i] = nil else --If the image is still on the screen then move it windGroup[i]:applyLinearImpulse(windSpeedX, windSpeedY, windGroup[i].x+math.random(4), windGroup[i].y) end end end end end end timer.performWithDelay(300, createNewWindImage, 0)

And you were willing to drop a buck fifty on that little snippet? 


Dude, let me know if you ever need a collab. I would like to also have money not be an issue for me. These orthopedic back pillows aren’t going to re-stuff themselves…

Didn’t your original “spec” (since removed) say something about “without memory leaks” or such? That’ll likely eat up your remaining 10 minutes. :smiley:

My little story was based on 30 years of “How hard could it be?” And then discovering in most cases there’s as much R as there is D. :slight_smile:

But I hadn’t actually looked at the video – I was envisioning a bed of flowers, bending in the wind. Then I finally looked at the video and realized what you were after. 

Nice of you to share the code with everyone.


I said it was going to be quick in my thread title lol. I just had other things to do so I wanted to sub it out.

I’m going to step out of my Corona shell here and speak as the guy who sells hisself out for this kind of work…

It took @dmglakewood an hour to do this and he already knew his code. Add in the time spent trying to figure it out before plus the time to write up the job description here.  Now had someone else had to step in, there would have had to have been some spec time/emails going back and forth.  There would probably have been some learning/ramp up time for the developer to learn how you’re going to use this.  If assets needed created, they would need to be figured in.  Then there is time testing and support afterwards.  This is easily a 4-6 hour job.  So $150 really isn’t that crazy…

I’ve let it run for over 2 hours now and memory seems to be stable. I love roaming gamers debugging tool well worth the money I think. 

Free plug :smiley: http://roaminggamer.com/makegames/



just curious about ur designer (dont think u do it yourself)

any advice for a good designer… 

for now i did all myself, for the future i think to expand and therefore i would need

some good ppl, i guess starting with a designer in my case :slight_smile:

so any advice and ALSO experience about the cost and handling

is welcomed



Do you need it to be physics? It should be easy enough to replicate the behavior with some transition.to functions and some math.random variables. StarCrunch has some cool stuff up on github if you want to take a look:


That link has some good stuff but nothing that I’m looking for. I want the images to sway across the screen as if the wind was blowing it and then settling down and then picking up again. Like a feather falling from the sky will have kind of a swaying path.

It doesnn’t have to be physics if you think it can be done using transitions that would be fine…probably a lot less memory usage too. I just don’t want it to appear linear. All the attempts I’ve tried using transitions it always appears linear to me and not natural.

It sounds like what you need is a particle engine like CBEffects (my own free one). If you ask me, paying $150 for something like that (really just some particle goodies) is  extremely overpriced.

  • C

Yeah I agree it’s overpriced but I found that overpricing jobs tends to get completed much quicker then pricing then right. Money isn’t an issue time is more of an issue for me. I’d rather pay someone to get this done so I can knock out other more critical parts of the app if that makes sense.