Hi @cjanis,
Sorry for the delayed response. I did some careful investigation/testing of this and came up with the following:
I verified that there is 1px of black on the sides of the JungleScene sample (landscape mode) on iPhone6. I believe this is caused by the content scaling between the virtual 320x480 screen and that of the iPhone6+ (750x1334) or iPhone6 (640x1136). The iPhone6 pixels content scaling is not an even number and since you can’t position images in fractions of a pixel, you either leave a one pixel empty row/column in one dimension or you fill the screen completely by making one pixel row/column offscreen. Since the mode is “zoomEven”, Corona is preserving the content on the screen, leaving a one pixel gap. The other way to do it would be “letterbox” mode (my personal preference) using a background that extends past the letterbox content area.
To go into further detail, pixels are (obviously) whole numbers. If the ratio between a virtual screen (320x480) and a real one turns out to have a fractional content ratio that results in resizing an image to a fractional size (e.g., 230.3333) or having to position it to a fractional location (e.g., 24.512), how would a developer position it so it’s accurate to an exact pixel boundary? You can only be accurate plus or minus one pixel. In my testing, “zoomEven” will drop the fractional part so that everything fits within the screen boundaries. In contrast, if that mode did the opposite, e.g. “rounded up”, developers would be faced with the issue of losing one pixel of their image offscreen.
Basically, this is an inherent but minor limitation that can’t be overcome “by itself,” but it’s easily solved by positioning objects slightly differently, using “letterbox” mode, using a slightly larger background image, or various other approaches.
Hope this helps,