Just wanted to share the results of my experiment with dynamic 2D realtime shadows.
I did some videos to show you the results on YouTube. Here is the latest one for version 1.31:
Complete project at BitBucket:
Do a real clone with console or i.e. SourceTree or the whole repository gets not resolved correctly. Do not use BitBuckets website download button.
Or for convenience here is a complete archive to download, but it might not be the bleeding edge version:
Shadow System v1.1 (30.12.2014)
Shadow System v1.31 (09.01.2014)
If you look closely, you will see a problem I call the “Lucky Luke Problem”: when the objects moves/rotates fast the shadow is slower than the object updates it’s position. Don’t know how to solve this, since the shadows get calculated on a Runtime “enterframe” event (it’s not possible doing it faster, isn’t it?)
Any ideas how to solve this? Maybe there is is a way to optimize the time when the shadows gets calculated?